What's with the random realm shard hopping?

I’m not even in a group, nor have I joined one… waiting for Fyrakk to spawn in Azure span, and I randomly switched shards 7 times within half an hour watching the progress bar yo-yo between them jumps, most frustratingly happening as it was landing alongside other players who were just as annoyed.

And again it’s happening while I’m waiting for Rares to spawn with the Elemental Storm event in Waking Shores.

What gives?

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I share your frustration… It’s been going on for over a month now and is gradually getting worse and more frequent.

Super fun to be killing a rare and see it fade away at 2% health and fade back in with 100% three times in a row.

The Fryakk event was really bad this week!

I’ve even been knocked off climbing wall quests becuase i’ve been sharded during climbing it…

I think it’s other people shard-hopping all the time that’s throwing the system off, i had it happen too with that flower-thing in Emerald dream, 30 seconds to go, and then the whole thing despawns and i’m at an empty planting point.

When someone makes a group and the shard you are in fills up, you can sometimes get displaced as a result to accommodate that shard’s load. It’s no fun, especially if you are midway through fighting something.

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As I said, I wasn’t in a group nor did I join one at all. Strictly solo, and this was happening.

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No it’s the group in that zone pushing you out.

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So stupid… it should NOT impact people outside of that group, at all.

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I agree it would be better if the group were just moved to a new shard rather than pushing others off.


That’s the dumbest decision I’ve ever heard. How about this revolutionary idea: If the shard of the group leader is full, you get put on another player’s shard.

Alternatively there’s also the option of recognising this is an MMO and therefore all this shardhopping is antithetical to the game’s core design, but I’m not getting my hopes up that far.


It’s my observation, when I get sharded. I hate being sharded away, mid fight is the ABSOLUTE worst.

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Yeah I completely agree with you. It’s just that my jaw dropped :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: Anyway I haven’t really been playing for the last 3 weeks so tbh I didn’t notice…

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it happens 3 0r 4 times while i do the 4 twice weekly dragon races , it happenss every 4 or 5 minutes all day . i think the rubberr band holding wow together has snapped , but this game is now seriously broken , and not much being done to fix or improve anything ingame either.

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Ah screw it, not bothered to wait around for rares now when it just changes your damn shard… just wasted an hour waiting for Rares off the Elemental Storm to be phased to another shard twice, not seeing a single rare…

I can’t believe this is not being fixed fast. It’s game breaking for a lot of people.
All the time consuming events are worthless now, unless you got all day to hope and get one done without being pushed over to another shard.
Camping rares, not worth it.
Fyrakk, not worth it.
Soup, not worth it.
Citadel keys, not worth it.
I can go on, but i think there are plenty of people at this point who have experienced this and it happens way too much right now.

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