What's your favorite zone?

I’d say the forsaken starting zone, I just love the theme and music there.

It’s hard picking just one… I’ll go for Jade Forest :heart:

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Since the release of BfA it’s Nazmir and Drustvar.

Frostfire ridge. love that zone

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I don’t really have a specific zone since it’s so hard to pick one however for me WOD is the best continent and the most beautiful. I love all zones + the musics are freaking amazing and the Orc theme.

I would love to have something similar to WOD in terms of regions, music and theme.

Wouldn’t that video be breaching Blizzard copyright? Might not be the best idea to post a link to it on the official forums if so :wink:

Vanilla: Stranglethorn Vale
TBC: Eversong Woods
Wrath: Dragonblight
Cataclysm: Uldum
MoP: Valley of the Four Winds
WoD: Shadowmoon Valley
Legion: Suramar
BfA: Nazjatar

Edited my post! Thanks mate!

Vashj’ir is the best zone, handsdown.

Silverpine - My first character was a Forsaken Warlock, fell in love with the story and place.

Not a zone as such - but Stratholme is so atomospheric - love doing that instance even when T’Mog hunting on a 120

Nagrand by far, I absolutely loved that zone, bright colourful grass, great atmosphere, platforms high in the sky, just beautiful.

Suramar because of the quest, music, artdesign and Val’sharah because i’m a druid :slight_smile:


Tanaris. Im a huge Star Wars fan and it reminds me of Tatooine.
I also have a Tatooine stronghold in SWTOR.
And I love sand-beach themed places.

High Mountain.

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