What's your favourite role to play?

I honestly thought it was referencing

With the “my favorite role is yes”.

Unintentionally funny, I guess.

as for the topic, I always come back to tanking. Sometimes I get sick and tired and stop tanking for a content or two, but in the end, I always end up back on my faithful bear.

Started with a hunter during BC, switched to healing as a priest in wotlk, and ever since that feral tank druid stuck its rocket pack up its butt during my first encounter with the ICC Gunship battle, I’ve always loved playing it.

But honestly? All roles are fullfilling in their own way. Some are more fun than others during different encounters, but unless you’re playing havoc, all of it is fun, in its own way!

I’m joking, please don’t send the purples after me.

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