🍔 What's your favourite WoW meat?

Bear tartare ofc!

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I had completely forgotten about that. Granted Zul’drak is one of my least favourite zones, so that might be why.

Yeah but that Gristlegut was so nice and likable that I could not forget about the whole questline.

Awww… look at da purty lil’ gool.

Jump, lil’ gool! Jump!

Ha, ha, ha… Attsa guud lil’ gool."


As a Vegetarian, I ate ALOT of Warp Burger back in TBC.

Does fish count as Meat though? Because definitely Savoury Deviate Delight

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As far as I am concerned, Animalia flesh is meat.

The fish-meat distinction is something that some priests a long time ago came up to justify about what is right to eat during fasting or not :wink:
Seriously, beavers were considered fish because they swim.

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now im hungry…

On the other hand, I have been to parts of the world and asked for a vegetarian dish, and been brought Fish and Chicken. Why? because to them Poultry and Fish are classed as not meat.

I also remember a few years back, USA officially recognised Pizza as a vegetable.


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They’re not exactly known for being bright people who make sensible decisions.

Zul’drak really is a go-to place for cuisine it seems.

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These food threads are terrible for making you hungry!

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I blame Nomi.

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Gimme a tiny Gristlegut battle pet that sells bowels n’ brains!

For my own tiny friends’ sake, of course. These aren’t meant to be consumed by living humanoids after all!


Nomi does not make appetising food

Such a limiting diet.

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I can relate. Cooking is hard :frowning:


You guys eat?

We may not be Kul Tirans, but we have been known to enjoy a sammich or two!

TF2 Heavy intensifies

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Well, USA also ruled that tomatoes are vegetables to avoid some old tax on fruit

I’m surprised they don’t call anything with high fructose corn syrup in it a vegetable.

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