When did you buy World of Warcraft, whats your story?

I absolutely loved Warcraft III, but at first I was taken a little back by the fact WoW required a subscription. Specially given Battle net was free. For example, I love Star Wars but hadn´t bought Star Wars Galaxies for that reason.
Then the trailers and cinematics started appearing and I couldn´t resist it: I got it on day 1.

Back in 2010 a friend convinced me to give it a go. I got a free month and played for a bit, kinda liked it but wasn’t too fussed as my friend was a higher level and had left me on my own. I paid for a second month then kinda left it as other stuff in life took over my free time. Tried again about a year later as I needed some screen shots of mmo’s for some college work but still wasn’t overly fussed about it.

Then in 2015 I found myself with a few hours in the evening with nothing to do and I’d had an email offering me some free game time so I downloaded it again, found my character still there and tried again only this time my husband (who I hadn’t known when I tried it out before) also used to play so he got it too and I finally had someone to play with and it seemed a lot more fun.


I bought Vanilla on release day, I remember being hyped for months about it’s impending release as I’d spent a ridiculous amount of time in the previous 3 RTS games.

I didn’t go full on and queue outside the shop for it, I just went to work as normal and popped down to Game during my lunch break - it’s in a local small town so I knew there wouldn’t be a massive queue as there is a massive retail park not too far away. I then had the longest afternoon of my life waiting at work so I could go home and install it :slight_smile:

Many happy memories :slight_smile:

edit - I still have the install disks and for all the xpacs upto and including cataclysm.

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Snap… but I have Mists, too; also still have all the discs that my wife used for her installs.

I played in a WOTLK private server. Realised I would be having more fun in retail, asked my mum and she bought my cata that week, since I was like 14 at the time or something.

I’ve always followed wow since before tbc (I remember reading several magazines which said that pandaren could be the new race for alliance instead of draenei), but by then I was a kid and so I couldn’t pay it on my own. I joined several private servers and read and watched videos. Then finally a year ago I got a job and now I can finally pay it on my own, so I bought Legion.

I couldn’t remember if I had the mists one or not, I’m at work so can’t check :slight_smile:

Edit: I remember when I re-installed cataclysm on my new PC I installed Vanilla > Patched > Installed TBC > Patched > Install Wrath > Patched> Install Cata > Patched.

Wasn’t until I’d finished that I realised I’d just wasted my time I could have just installed Cata then patched up :slight_smile:

You played the Beta? Nice.

I was given a trial code and the disks on 30th June 2005 and bought the game too. I installed and updated then played for many hours and called into work for a holiday day the next day to play.

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2008 was playing with a friend at his place

When i turned 17 i bought WoW Battlechest, then the 28th of September 2017 bought the full game, boosted a Troll druid.

and i fell in love with that game

I played played warcraft3. I wanted to know what is gonna happen to Illadan and Arthas. I had no idea what is MMORPG. I thought wow is similar like RTS(warcraft3)

Bought new laptop installed WoLK. My first impression was like wtf is this? Where is my story? Pretty disappointed with story but keep playing it and hoping to finish game like other PS4 game and move on to next game. Still game hasn’t finished and still I am here.

Back in mid 2008 my friend showed me World of Warcraft and upon laying eyes on the game as he played it i knew i had to get it, i played for 5 mins and fell in love, it’s unexplainable how quickly hooked i was, nothing caught me like WoW did back then and i begged my mom to buy the game for me and the day after i was already leveling my Orc hunter and having the time of my life!

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Okay yeah that’s fair enough and I get where you’re coming from, like my post suggests, I’m fairly new and so I was going purely on what I’ve heard from others, but yeah regardless of the reason it was removed, it really does suck that they removed the progression, like, at the end of the first 4 zones in legion you’re still only 160 ilevel, yet people in BFA are at like 950 or so I’ve heard? That’s a bit of a jump…

@Deathshroúd: The item levels were heavily squished. Nobody has 950+ anymore. I think quite a few are around 340-350 to about 380 or a bit above that.


Yes, as Trelw says, the item levels were squished.

What used to be 800 in Legion became 160.

What used to be 950 in Legion became 210.

You now start BfA at 110 with about 160 ilevel.

In levelling to 120, you get to about 280 ilevel. (Maybe 300).

You then pick up ilevel to 340 in a few weeks from dungeons, World Quests and Warfronts.

From 340, you can raid or M+ your way to 360-380ish.

The removal of traits from the artefacts had nothing to do with this.

The ilevel squish is not in itself a removal of progression, and it doesn’t itself imply any changed in power; they just renumbered them, I think because they just didn’t like the ilevels going over 1000.

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December of 2010. A friend had tried to get me into it a year prior, but it was my first PC game and I was uncomfortable with the mouse and keyboard.

Saw a Cataclysm ad and decided to try it again, ended up loving it and buying the game, followed by every collectors edition I could get my hands on.

Hey everyone if you could please stay on topic regarding this post that would be appricated if you would like to discuss item leveling squishing further you can make your own post on the forums thanks :blush:

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Sorry to go off topic I just want to say that I think the forum has hiccupped and that poster was actually replying elsewhere in a thread about that topic and somehow it’s posted here. It’s not purposely done to derail your thread.

New forum system = it’s gonna be buggy for a while. Sure you can understand that :slight_smile:

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I was in the US Beta for a while, so I preordered it with the EU Beta bonus thingie that came with it.
Everything was great until launch day when I went to pick up my copy of the game and the guy in the store outright refused to give me what I had paid for. It was BS, he even took my receipt and ripped it to pieces and threw me out of the store, threatening to call the cops on me(The Store was Gamestop btw).

I was pissed but there was nothing I could do about it now, without the receipt I had no evidence that I had pre-ordered the game from that store and had a claim on a copy.
I called my mom to buy me a copy as she worked right across from another Gamestop, but they were all pre-oredered and could not be sold, however, the clerk did call the Manager of the other store to let them know what the BS Clerk had done, no idea what happened to him.
I went home, sad that I didn’t get my game and figured I had to wait, but luckily, the friends I played with at the time worked in a Blockbuster, and he said they had spare copies around, so he ran down and got me a copy in 10 minutes, I installed the game, created my account, logged in, spent 2 hours getting to level 3(Welcome to Classic!) and then the servers crashed for 9 hours.

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Oh, okay, now I’m a lot less mad about it lol, I thought I had a massive but slow grind to catch up. I guess it makes sense that smaller numbers would be easier for blizz to deal with. Thanks for the great info! :slight_smile:


2010 Advert - He said “Watch World of Warcraft Free”, He Lied 2010