I’ve been roleplaying in Boralus for a couple of months and I am floored it isn’t being used as the RP Paradise it is now that the sharding is disabled and almost all OOC players are gone. There’s so much here! It has all the ingredients to be a vibrant RP hub.
Nightfall Brigade and the rest of the Gilnean community spend most of their time within the border of Gilneas, some of the RP spots are Keel harbor and Stormglen, but we do get around plenty, both within and out of Gilneas. NFB is currently on a mission of mercy, so to speak, resupplying Gilnean villages and outposts around Azeroth, like Bradensbrook and Surwich, delivering supplies to them and dealing with various problems they may have.
The Tauwahe tribe, a Tauren guild of the barrens are Rping in the Dry hills. We are a small guild but we are stretching outwards to find others. I also know of the Spiritwoods in Stonetalon.
Tauwahe tribe is centers around the taming, hunting and selling of Kodos. We are travelling abit in Febuary so we will most likely be all around tho
All over Azeroth - get out there more gamers, there’s a whole world of cool stuff you’re not using!
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