Where does everyone RP these days?

Hey I was looking to get back into the RP scene on Argent Dawn. However I can’t seem to find any RPers or join a RP guild. Where is everyone RPing these day, besides Goldshire. Would appreciate for Horde and Alliance.

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Plaguelands my guy.

On Discord


If you are looking for a large community of roleplayers, consider joining the PCU!
The [PCU] :smiling_imp: Now recruiting!

Your choices of guild can depend on what you seek. For example, if you want to join on your dwarf character here, I recommend the gnome/dwarf guild ‘Assemblage of Uld’

The PCU community is a large roleplayer community focused on delivering campaigns and events, ranging from fun adventures to RP PvP.


Delicious guild!



Wherever the music takes me, sweetheart.
(Astranaar for Kalimdor if you’re Alliance, Duskwood, Redridge or Stormwind in eastern kingeoms)

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The Shield of Redridge is working on rebuilding Redridge as a hub! There have been alot of people there tonight for the Winter Veil celebrations.

Goldshire is about as much of a ‘RP hub’ as a car with square and triangle wheels is a way of transport.

Ironforge and Kharanos have some RP too if you’re very very lucky.


The realm is a little dead at the moment, may pick up again with 8.3 or shadowlands. Hubs tend to move too, depending on where guilds move to. Just check /who to see where people are roleplaying.

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Many places! The guilds I am most active in are currently in Binan and the Temple of the White Tiger.

I imagine many guilds are similarly spread across the world.

why u naked on your prof pic

… medical rp …


It has not changed from when I laid my char to bed really. Right now I have a admiral hat and santa clothing if that matters to you.

You peeping tom!

And players primarily roleplay in discord nowadays. As wise Grovi pointed out.

I highly recommend paying attention to upcoming events on argentarchives. They’re a nice means of getting you through the between-patches drought and to get out and RP in new places, with new people.


I must try to use AA more often aswell, I blame it for tge huge turnout tonight in Redrigde.

Since we are a sailing guild we move about quite a bit. Stormwind now and then, Booty bay and Boralus for more on land roleplay. I can also praise AA for finding roleplay through markets, faires and festive events. They tend to crowd up plenty with fun people to interact with!

Unrelated to the topic, but your set is noice.

RP is in a lot of the old places (Ashenvale, Stormwind, Redridge, Duskwood) but as stated check archives and forum for events.

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Feralas has a really good community RPing there at the moment. It is a little quiet with the time of year, but it should pick up again in the New Year!