Where is @Retributor?

Where is @Erevien then ?

yee i remember disagreeing on merc mode for lfd… but i dont care, his opinions might not always have been right, but he was fun to have around…


Wait, what!?..LMAO.

What made him come to that conclusion?


In fairness to you, back in the day, not some, but most, considered Martin Luther King to be an idiot, today he is revered

You knew what he meant, so why troll him?

At a guess because it’s a very annoying Americanism that says the opposite of what it means. I put up with many Americanisms, but that one just doesn’t make sense.

Retributor’s evil twin, ie Alliance bias everywhere !

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You mean they really use this butchered idiom? I thought it was just the phone misspelling it.

They do. You hear it in US TV programmes & films all the time.

I’ve never noticed it, I guess my mind autocorrects it unconsciously.

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I wasn’t trying to sway your view, I was just saying people who often disagree can sometimes agree :slight_smile:

Wow, nice sex worker shaming. Not very PC of you, and we all know how you have a meltdown anytime someone isn’t PC


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They took away his powers to type on the forums so he could no longer expose the devs for their undying love for the horde

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Your mind can’t auto-correct anything unconsciously, it can only do so subconsciously.

But yeah, I get what you meant.

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I also wonder where @Altash is, he was often around.

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