Where's khadgar

Omg really… I love the guy even more

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Had to google him, I’m terrible with names, then as soon as I saw the picture I’m like aaaaaah him :slight_smile:

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I love khadgar hes a good inbetween of comedic relief and badass mage.

Also hes still in the blizard sphere due to doing voice lines for hearthstone recently.

liked his legionjoke /refference to wod apexis crystal where he needed exactly 4986 and no more no less.
Thus asked us 2500 or so nethershards only to give it all back but 1.

Funny joke ,still sucked was all content for a week though

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tirion dint have his racial on his actions bar. and couldnt find it.
So he spend whole fight typing wrong variations of /cast evry man for himself.
and just happend to finnaly have gotten right one when we did the work already.

Does that mean i can finnaly have his staff Atiesh for myself then?

Imagine how the fight would have been if he’d screamed his “lite gief muh strenthhh” at the beginning of fight and not 10 minutes and 120 wipes later.

maybe he actully did but dint have his mic turned on(or plugged in correctly) till end of fight so light couldnt hear him?
or he always was but was to lazy to actully do the work/effort but still wanted a shot as invincible?

aslo dk tirion riding invincible wouldve been amazing.

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