Why are you lying so much Blizzard?!

BFA is the worst expansion 1st (Worse than WoD, Shadowlands, Dragonflight, everything)

and devs think BFA is a good solution with starting zone for new players while none of the raids, dungeons or PvP were friendly to Casuals and new players

grinding reps to exalted to unlock mag´har orc, dark iron, Kul Tiran and Zandalari were huge horrors

Because it’s their game, and they’ve decided to do it like that?

Yeah, inconsistency is brilliant for their game. As the numbers show, WoW went from 20 mil players years ago to 350k now. Because of decisions like this.

and Dragonflight´s biggest pvp problem is: Solo shuffle for DPS are very long

and stories are meh, and turned WoW into disney children game

Source, or does that come from somewhere the sun dont shine?

The game is almost 2 decades old.

Saying the subs are dropping because of “decisions like this” is dishonest. Like most of your posting.

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You are stalking all my posts rofl, probably triggered by something that threatened your forum dweller existence? Hold on to a block sweetie.

Do a google search, theres at least 4 videos done by Bellular , Asmon and others.

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So no source then, just opinions.

All stating 350k subs!

Yeah splendid

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So you didn`t check anything then because you wanna be offered proof in a powerpoint presentation. Just check Bellular investigation in his video and you get all the proof you need, ignoring the fact that common sense can be used and just log in the game and see empty cities already :slight_smile:

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No i want you to provide the proof, you were the one offering the figures, i simply asked you to provide the source of your 350k figure…

Still waiting in fact!


People on beta tested if they needed BFA pathfinder to fly in BFA and didnt.

It was speculation, just like drakthyr at a time could fly using their wings prior their model being fitted onto mounts.

You cant call blizzard liars because a player spread misinformation.

If i make a icy veins post saying if u log in on 26th april 2023 you will be mailed 10million gold would you call blizzard or me a liar.

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The proof is in a video, this is a written forum.

Enough of offtopic, the point was , theres no reason for Blizz to keep the pathfinding achivement since they removed similar achivements in the past. It only benefits the game, nobody in their right mind will be offended that new players can fly in old zones, just because they did an achivement 4 years ago. Only petty toxic players would be against that.

Belluaes video says DF didnt spike like BFA and SL, however, had said this was down to the amount of losses experienced during the prior 2 expansions having lasting damage.

Also, its proven DF month to month after spiking is the same as now, i.e DF retained more of the returning players then either expansion did % wise

He also in other threads proved the engagement with raids and m+ are above both ezpansions proving a gain, a larger % of the playerbase is playing the full game.

So no, keep narrating only the negwtive instead of the overall finds

The only 2 factors are:

Game didnt sell as many inital copies, 2 terrible expansions will have affect on player trust.

Belluar said himself if blizzard keep on this corrective course and nail it at 11.0 he speculates based on his info and conversations that the return will happen.

But tbat doesnt mean DF is bad, what it means is blizzar burnt alot of bridges with how they behaved throughout SL

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I never said DF was bad, I said that decisions such as this (not removing a 4 year 2 expansion prior achivement for flying) in the detriment of new players or veterans returning, has led to this situation that we are now.
I don`t see a single negative in removing such an old achivement, especially when they did it with Legion at Shadowlands expansion. Its the same thing. Just bad decision making from Blizz team, thats all.

If i had my way (in my opinons)

  • every class / race combos.
  • no PF requirements in any expansion
  • unlock all allied races to all.
  • account wide reps

Would happen yesterday, i can agree with you restricting players espically in these ways is no way to attract new players.

These restrictions basically say “ur first char dont matter. Its just to tick the boxes” which promotes 0 character immersion or class loyalty to that inital experience.

However, i cant agree with pulling videos out of context, in argument. However yes, ur point is correct, the pointless restrictions most defintly do hinder the game. Imagine telling ur entering friend theyre not allowed to fly unless theyre willing to spam farm pld content… let alone tell them to play their favorite race they gotta complete the game and then do over or pay out


All in all, there is no negative to removing pathfinder from BFA. I can go and solo BFA bosses and get loot, are people mad about that also? No , because the loot doesnt mean anything anymore, it meant something at the time of the expansion. Same like the pathfinding achivement.

Just grind it. Stop being so lazy.

Just because a feature is old it doesn’t mean that people should get it for free.

But no one is going to grind it, since BFA is one of the worst WoW expansion that ruined reputations with allied races and stories and PvP and Raids and Dungeons :thinking:

BFA has no friendly feature with these big efforts and ruined casuals and new players’ experience

Shadowlands was actually better than BFA, since they gave something friendliness like Castle Nathria, PvP

But the bad parts of Shadowlands were: stories, campaign gameplay, leveling and disconnected zones

Just get the achivement, it’s not that big of a deal.