Why can't we have moderate storylines anymore?

The player is super strong, but the game doesn’t actually display how powerful he or she is.

At this point i think we are playing the class representative since legion, the one that got the artifact that anyone else relevant to the story could have got, but instead we did. It should tell you how strong the champions are supposed to be.

At this point they are probably in the same league as the top tiers of wow, but no titan level still.

But probably about the same level as beings like azshara, kil’jaeden, maybe aegwynn.

“hero, go grab me my book from that bookshelf over their.”

good times. :laughing:

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This is exactly why we can’t have moderate stories. Because nobody cares about them. There’s some pretty good ones in Bastion, not just the ones I mentioned. But nobody cares about that. If we were tasked with waking up peons again, we’d just complain at how unexciting the game is.

We’re in the same position as Jason and his argonauts now.

And sometimes they are.

And the lady might not know who you are, care one bit or the other, and you might just clean the mess as a means to an end.

I think the story has the benefit of being able to work under the assumption that besides yourself and a few select others, not everyone else in the world needs to know who you are or what you did or what you look like. You’re still just a stranger in many situations who has to prove himself or herself once again. I mean, I killed Nefarian and I’m a hero of the Alliance, but I’m not sure the fine people of Bastion pay much heed to that. Or the Tortollan granny who wants me to help turtles reach the water, for that matter.

This is because the standard “waking up peons” quest in warcraft is not a story. It’s only an element of gameplay. That’s why we feel they are boring and repetitive (even if there’s just one of them lol).

But this has nothing to do with moderate stories. A moderate story could be something like the story of the village of that ghost little girl in eastern plaguelands. It tells you something about the world, a story.

Yup, my first thoughts were ‘christ, here we go again… save the universe and get this xpacks junkies whatever fix they are hankering for this time while doing it’.

But then I got to talk with a nice thicc-thighed blue lady, fetch a ball and blanket for this huge cat & mine myself some ore, and did not have to worry about my superhero status so much.

All was reasonably well again.

I would agree. But in Bastion, Kyrians get to see you past feats.

But on the principle that “the story has the benefit of being able to work under the assumption that besides yourself and a few select others, not everyone else in the world needs to know who you are or what you did or what you look like”, I agree.

This is what the menial quests in Bastion do as well.

And in Bastion, all past feats of everyone they see, are noble souls who’ve done valourous deeds in their life. That’s why they get sent to Bastion.

Again, in the grand scheme of the universe, our heroic deeds are often put in perspective as Blizzard keeps zooming out a bit more.

WoW is an MMORPG.

I honestly wonder what those last three letters stands for now, my whole life has been a lie.

What if i do want to be a simple adventurer i don’t raid so i am not present when the big bad is killed and the day is saved.

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You can make compelling stories without making our characters superman on steroids.

Personally i would rather be a third rate mercenary or a bounty hunter than world saving over powered power fantasy ego booster.

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Well, that was NEVER the case, not even in classic, so maybe you choose the wrong game.

I don’t remember my character ever being the key character until wod really before wod our character was just a nameless hero never the centre character.

I don’t remember me jumping in killing arthas hell i wasn’t even there because i got bored of icc long before i managed to get to arthas.

It was WoD that started the trend where we went from grunt serving in the army to a world saving anime hero.

Do you not remember adventurers in classic going up against c’thun? Or ragnaros? Or kil jaeden during bc?

It has always been the case, the difference is that now the adventurer has built up enough reputation so it’s not just some random dude anymore.

So do we just pretend to ignore that so you can stay some random dude? How does that work? How does it even make sense?

It makes less sense to me that I - the chosen, special hero - needs to work with 9 others who are somehow also special chosen heroes - to fight the boss.

“Hey guys, I’m here, I’m kinda special. That obelisk reacted only to me when I was with Jaina and Thrall and I… oh, that happened to you too? And you? And you? And… what the hell?”

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