That’s one answer.
Or you can just make more alts to cover more ground.
Cataclysn, after level 30, consists of 4 zones. Maybe 2 of them get you 30-50, then you could do the other two on another alt instead of forgoing your XP on your first alt. I’m a fan of this approach, since different classes and races change the feel of the game so much as you play.
You are on a BM Hunter. This is maybe the easiest and fastest class to level with, and it is a mobile ranged class. A melee class, like a Warrior or Paladin or Demon Hunter, will give you a different feel, and a ranged caster like Priest or Mage will be different again. And that’s before we consider races. Races don’t much change how you play, but they do change the feeling of the character, and while Horde do get a lot of the same quests as Alliance, there are some significant differences.
It’s all good. Just don’t feel that you have to waste XP on a couple of zones instead of rolling another alt. Here’s a longer recent thread where I discussed it in great detail with someone who specifically wanted to cover all pre-Shadowlands content: I want to play through all the previous expansions but don't understand how too