Why do people ask for Heirloom gold refund

I couldn’t care less about heirlooms. The new leveling system and level squish more than make up for it imo.

I wanted them gone for good, but the way they did it is acceptable.

As far as I recall from my last leveling spree you do not get the XP bonus from heirlooms if you level above 110 and you did not upgrade them to 120.

I am personally not miffed too much about the removal of heirloom XP. For me the real value of the gear is the fact that it levels with you. Even if the current piece of gear that drops is higher ilvl initially in one level it will be equal. I can also use enchants on heirloom gear and can send them over to alts, which I cannot do with any other drop.

The price of them wasn’t just to get the xp bonus after all. If that would have been the case then people would never upgrade trinkets and weapons since those do not give any form of XP bonus.

Hey, there are a lot of ppl that log one time/week

This - again. Without the XP they are trash the slightly extra stats dont make a difference dont believe go level a toon now without heirlooms, yes ive done it and it doesnt make content harder… Maybe before lvl 30 dependent on class and drops you might struggle against an elite after that its just as faceroll as with heirlooms is.

Xp buff remains no matter what level you are.

I did it last night.Without xp gear i got 35.000xp with xp gear i got 42.000xp

I went ahead and checked one of my abandonned characters.

The character I checked the stats on is currently level 87.
Base XP I get from a quest (Pandaria starting quest, Alliance side:) 26.300
XP I get when I have heirlooms equipped (on level, minus rings:) 32.218
XP I get when I have underleveled heirlooms equipped (heirlooms that haven’t been upgraded, so they stop scaling after level 60:) 26.300

I even went ahead and exchanged the quest using level 60 capped heirlooms and only got the base XP. So unless there is a soft cap (like 10 ilvl difference) the XP portion of heirlooms do not seem to work after you level over their cap.

I’m still waiting for a refund for what I paid for riding skills and mounts from Vanilla so good lick with the heirloom refund.

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