Why do we need all these systems?

Game client as whole feels like giant pile of mess.
Level squish was great but missed opportunity to tidy up game in few simple steps :

*removal of all legacy systems
*implementation of singular side activity system for all expansions (so people can get missing rewards just in a different way )

*removal of pre shadowlands professions including bfa ( we have duplicate products atm)
*implementation of a singular up to shadowlands professions with flexible material requirements ( so people can get mats wherever they like to level or use what they already have in banks )

*Removal of heirlooms and gold refund

*Cosmetic game wide currency for old items.

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When people say sets bonuses were borrowed power, i do agree, however how many sets were there per tier?

It was pretty simple to see if you wanted to use the full set bonus or just 1 or 2, or none at all. You didnt really need spreadsheets you could just watch damage meters.

Now there is sooo many variables, each covenant has further things in it which affect each class / spec differently and most benefit from different ones per spec… its massive.

I dont want the game to be vanilla, this isnt a case of " in the good ol’ days"

Its more a case of, i want to play and not have to deal with so many systems, ok a mythic+ a raid and pvp weekly… i can manage that but let me do it in a way which doesn’t have so much bloat.

You dont have to sim though

Without help from the internet at all i manage to top dps in alot of content on my chara :+1:

Sure it helps, but it’s boring to me :smiley:

I also dont get paid to work with minmaxing

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