Why have all my UI profiles dissapeared

The title says it all I guess. What the absolute F is going on?


Same, my painstakingly customized UI profile got DELETED


Same I can only log on 2 alts in Oribos but the UI profile i made is gone and it reset to the default

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Wait. You didn’t “set it up in two mins with no biggie” as half the forum claimed to have done because the new UI “works totally fine” and “is super awesome”? STRANGE!..


my guess… settings are saved on blizz server and because they are 100% incompetent when it comes to, well… fkn everything… the settings got wiped when their early 2000’s server blew up because in their infinite wisdom they decided to bottleneck the entire server with a boat or zeppelin.


What to expect from android ui?

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We’ve seen this happen to players who experienced the bad luck of getting disconnected while loading into the game. We’ve developed a hotfix for that specific scenario, and the hotfix should be coming to all realms soon.

But the hotfix won’t retroactively recreate what was lost. To make sure you keep your custom UI (and so that you can use it elsewhere, if you like), you’ll want to export and save it outside the game.

While in-game, hit and then:

  1. Select Edit Mode.
  2. Select the layout you wish to export from the dropdown.
  3. Open the dropdown and select the Share option.
  4. Select the Copy To Clipboard sub-option.
  5. Create a blank text file on your PC, and paste the string you just copied into the new file.
  6. Save that text file somewhere safe.

To use a UI that you previously saved to a text file:

  1. Copy the entire text from the text file.
  2. Go into Edit Mode.
  3. In the layout dropdown, select Import.
  4. Paste the text from your clipboard into the Import Text window.
  5. Give it a name and click the Import button.

Saw this fix on U.S realm. That player saved my day. Thank you. :+1:

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Close game.
If you’re using shared layout for all characters Look in your account folder for:

If it’s broken it’ll be 1KB in size, probably. Also in this very folder should be
This is probably 3KB ish in size.

Delete edit-mode-cache-account.txt.
Copy edit-mode-cache-account.old into the same folder. (edit-mode-cache-account.old - Copy )
Rename edit-mode-cache-account.old to edit-mode-cache-account.txt.
Launch game.

You can do this will all ‘old’ and ‘bak’ files in your folders. This is what they’re for.
Yes, it is stupid how a crashed client wipes your layout.


It saddens how one of the major selling point of the expansion is the UI and it is buggy - at any moment u could lose hours of editing - and Blizzard so far refuses to give players an option to return to classic/stable/easy ui

I do and welcome more flexibilities/upgrades etc to the UI - no problem with that - but please don’t take away older options from us - this is the first expansion I have to use 3~5 UI addons
but before I never had to use any.

I do and welcome the idea that the current UI is to prepare the game to be played via phones/ console etc - more players - but don’t lock away some/alot of PC players from their used UIs


Both for me are 1 KB :confused:

how about bring option for old ui


Do we need another Kickstarter?

And thanks for the apology, oh, wait …

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They say the new is very flexible … yet they removed and restricted some of old look/options … yep S:

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