Why is everyone here so gung ho about their faction?

Might also be that the faction war is easier to make relatable for many characters. Considering their character stories are probably full of conflict with the opposing faction. Funny enough Warcraft got a rich setting when it comes to past conflicts between races within the horde and races within the alliance. Where the baddie of the expac is not always something that you can make relate to your character.

Might also the fact that the big baddies this expac, atleast for 8.2, is not something the average character will be able to experince. Why? Because nazjatar is kind of like argus in the sense that it seems to be mostly only the champion and heroes going there. And by that it’s probably not common knowledge to everyone that Queen Azshara was scheming and heroes where fighting her. :thinking:

Also blizzard having multiple story lines going on for BFA is zzzzzzzzzzzzzz


My character is not “of the Alliance”; you can’t just box people into factions based on their race and expect them to automatically be loyal.

She is also not especially sympathetic to the Horde. She just think the war is dumb. On both sides.

I’d be rather interested in getting to know why she thinks retaliating in an unprovoked war is ‘dumb’ - sure my character might be a fanatical frothing at the mouth Alliance fanatic but this war is hardly ‘dumb’ for the Alliance.

From her point of view the Horde just randomly decided to commit genocide. She isn’t the Speaker of Azeroth or a Champion. She doesn’t know the world is completely screwed, she doesn’t know about N’zoth, Azshara - so it’s a matter of retribution. The Orcs killed Draenor and now our world is dying? COINCIDENCE? :thinking:

Yeah, there you have it :woman_shrugging:t3:


Oh, like Elves haven’t ever just randomly tried to kill off others.

Shhhh, we don’t mention things like that.

Oh, OOH, WorldStar! WorldStar! Ooh!

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what’s the lore behind this

It’s a very deep lore. Filled with futa erp amongst many other things.

Today keeps getting better.

Crip Walks around thread.

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That’s a big ol’ YIKES from me dawg

Did you just assume faction affiliation based on race? How not OOC politically correct of y’all… :angry:

Is there actually any proof of this or just blatantly slander? :eyes:

Right now it’s a juicy accusation. and so, the wait for Proof comes.

buffet night at the drama diner!

One (1x) basic gestalt on this, please


Read: I’m absolutely out of the loop but here is my big opinion

Then role play something different, who cares if you (one random inactive player) are “put off” by this

[Hooting and hollering in the background]


Hmm, I am pressing (X) Doubt on this one though.

okay alt that only started posting after it was brought up thanks for your input


You are welcome.