Ever thought about the amount of people that never reached level 60+ during TBC because 1-60 after TBC release was an absolute nightmare? No one to do the content with since the majority of players were already in TBC, leveling that in general is only even remotely enjoyable when the world is filled with other players and otherwise is completely stale? The game would’ve been better off with a 58 boost back then as well.
Skipping content isnt “better”
You are arguing with people that boosted their alts in maraudon man, the “classic levelling experience” is dead.
Ah ? Didn’t they announced “Burning Crusade Classic” ?
I used no boosts whatsoever actually but nice assuming things about people
Yes and they already said “No boost in Classic” 2 years ago, and this year they said “boost 58 for TBCC”
Which highlights -> Classic =\ = TBCC
You welcome
Doing the same you and the mage are doing regarding boost 58 = free T6
No evidence at all.
Especially if you skip content not related to TBC main content
But there is an entire new quest hub and quests when levelling in TBC 1 to 60.
Plus questing is faster but you go ahead pal, whip out your wallet and pay to skip content.
This isn’t what a MMORPG is about
I just said I’ve never boosted.
Maybe learn to read
It isn’t about pissing away time on old outdated content that nobody else is participating in either. The game is an RPG, not an MMORPG, until you reach current content.
Is that why you had 10 accounts multiboxing?
Cuz you “worked” for it?
If you cant put the effort in to get to 70 then I’m afraid this game isnt for you.
My 2 cents
Your 2 cents are entirely irrelevant. Just because you for some reason want to gatekeep players from enjoying the endgame TBC has to offer - probably because you’re insecure and unsuccessful at the actual endgame - doesn’t mean that it is healthy for the game. A bigger playerbase is healthy for the game. And it is also healthy for Blizzard’s wallets, which is the only thing they care about. So you’re getting the objectively good choice of a 58 boost whether you like it or not.
Are you assuming things like the other guy?
Being successful imo is having fun. Therefore I’ve achieved that goal.
The boost is adding convenience to the game when it is not required
And the majority don’t want it
I’m glad you consider being capable of leveling from 1-60 is successful to you. Less intelligent people always have an easier time finding joy in the little things. Required and good for the game are two separate things, though. It is not required, nothing is. It is good for the game, however. And a small echo chamber of nobodies on the forums =/= the majority.
“YoU aRe sO dUMb anD NarroW”.
- 5head forum troll that thinks official forums are facebook messenger and spams the thread with 1 sentence messages.
Some people want to be boosted and play with instant gratification feature, some don’t. Yet our discussion isn’t what SOME PEOPLE WANT. We are talking about the health and integrity of the game and community. 58 boost is easily abusable by whales and bots. It also damages server economy, faction balance/class balance further.
You are the one asking to get boosted, so keep your feefee in retail.
140 hour? A bot takes 2-3 weeks to level. That is 2-3 weeks of downtime before they start making money, which equals to 520 to 700 euros worth of downtime with current market prices. Since level 58 boost won’t be 520 euros, this is a clear incentive for bots.
Catch-up mechanisms are bad for an MMORPG especially if they are this big.
Dungeon boosting is bad and they should fix it, we have argumented this quite enough. But you can’t cure a disease with another disease.
Yes I worked for it and got it. You’re so low, 3head.
For some reason this italian dood reminds me of Benito that was named Grandsaken or something, who tried his guts out to troll the forums a few days prior. lul
This is a MMORPG.
Levelling is 99 % of the game.
Dont like it? Go elsewhere.
And dont belittle me
Tanvar and Majesty are spot on in so many aspects. Too many Retailers here and their mindset/mentality trying to tell us how wrong we are, kek.
How much did they even do to help Classic coming out in the first place and fight long and hard for it? That’s right.
If people fancy a game which basicly plays it for them and giving them epics without any effort (welfre epics), faceroll content, easymode silver plattern and handholding gameplay, playing from 1 to max lvl without said a word to anyone and seen all (most) of the content, open their wallets to buy things as they are leveling up and call that fun (mmorpg) well you have that already, it’s called Retail.
If you want a game that YOU have to play, put time and effort in and have that rewarding feeling when you did something, you have Classic game(s).
I stopped playing Retail in early Legion 2016 as I was done with it. Now do I try to change that for others, like remove pets, pet battles, cash shop, all the QoL changes that happened over the years and all that? NO.
But the Retailers sure try telling us how wrong we are and how we should adapt to their mindset…right. I rest my case.
Thank you!