Why the level 58 boost is bad for the game #stoptheboost

Quite not 100% true since in Classic people go directly to Naxx instead of doing AQ or BWL on alts.

If they leave T4 and T5 up in P1 you will see people in T3 stomping T5 skipping Kara like we saw back in TBC with the Chinese guild in t3 doing illidan

if you start to play now Classic and guild decide to bring you to Naxx arent you skipping previous tiers?

You are a real casual MMORPG player my friend.
Thank you and hope many more of you play classic.

That is the only thing they can do because they know that they are low as sewer rats and can’t get into a civil discussion with humans, hence why they all hide behind their forum troll characters.
Actually, this thread has attracted almost all well-known forum trolls in EU all together, so it’s an impressive achievement.

The Current game, it won’t when TBCC comes out.

It’s the best and only argument. You play the game your way and others will play it their way.

If that was the case we would have started at 1.1.1, and did we?

Imagine using “sewer rats” to cry about insults when you are just the minority in the thread and people already countered any of your points.


I’m afraid the game still starts at level 1 when TBCC is out.
Unless you decide to open your wallet and skip content like on retail

Wish it did start at 1.0, but Blizzard said “they don’t have the source code” and it wasn’t possible to get the correct values. They only found one authentic copy that was version 1.12.
But it would be a lot better for sure.

Eh no, the game start at 60 since TBCC is Outland, not extra quest for alts at lvl 14.

First quest you get in TBC is to get through the portal not go back to arathi farming raptors

Not for me, it starts at 60 with the portal.


actually the lead engineer for classic wow came out on a MrGM interview recently saying they DID in fact have all the source code for MOST of the older patches of vanilla but they thought that 1.12.2 was the most complete version. :confused:

When I create a character when TBCC launches I start at level 1 not 60

That is an alt, when you log in on your main it is at 60.

Because I made the effort to level.

Haha getting more annoyed are we? You are showing your true nature.
A young girl getting angry fast when she is not getting her way.

So did I and it’s an effort I don’t want to do again on one alt. Remember it’s one per Warcraft account.

I didn’t insult you directly, wonder why you took it on yourselves kekhands.

tbf he’s been debating people who keep repeating the same thing (surface level arguments) for a few weeks now, I can assure you it gets tiring. Name calling is not ok but your reply is complete spam and off topic. Please remain on topic.

But you should because each 1 60 char u want should = time invested from 1-60

We know! In some ways that makes it worse and others better. But the boost isn’t for classic players who want an alt, it’s meant to be for new timers and people who quit early in classic to be able to catch up so your argument is void.

It’s because you repeat the same old tirade.
We’ve explained why the boost is a bad idea but you keep going on like a cracked record

And people did it in 2007 and in 2021 they want just to play TBC from 58-70

So why cant they play with their 60 mains?

I want doesn’t get