Why the level 58 boost is bad for the game #stoptheboost

how you dare using logic to dismantle those weak arguments?

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wow the irony

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repeating something doesn’t make it more true. You’re being ignored for a reason. Your arguments suck

if you’re a new botter or you got banned and need a new botting toon, the boost is your go to. Hell, even if you’re an existing botter but you just want another toon to bot on simultaniously

if they can make gold worth more than the cost of the boost within the time it would have taken them to level up otherwise, then the boost would be a net positive for them.

no it doesn’t because there’s no additional cost to levelling 1-58. The point your missing is that the boost creates a sense of necessity for players to purchase it because wow is an online game and thus is competitive by nature. Even if you’re not a world first raider, you still want to do anything in your power to be as little behind as possible from every1 else. But if you can’t afford it or are put off by the price, then they probably will just go to another game where they don’t feel locked out of competition through price. No one really likes to artificially handicap themselves when an easier path is available. It makes people feel like they are wasting their time.

completely missing the point… you have to be higher level to craft many of the valuable CD items so if u can boost, it’s the quickest and most efficient way to get a proff alt…

no it isn’t because classic is all about the RPG, the journey, and earning what you get. Also, it wasn’t in classic or TBC back in the day, so in no way shape or form is it the ‘classic xp’

if you don’t see the difference then you didn’t read my OP. I spelled it out quite clearly.

if they are not new

the game should not assume a player knows what they are doing. Also, there is precedent to show people can and will be clueless with boosts. Look at their introduction in SoO. Even LFR was a struggle.

that isn’t a middleground and you know it

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This should be reflected right back at you.

Nope, you bot to 60 again.

Only in retail.

I wasn’t done typing, look again

Nah, I’m just gonna mute the thread, I’ll let someone else pick your post apart.

yes because you have failed at it spectacularly…

I only repeat myself because you make the same arguments that have already been rebuttled. I can make a new answer for every time you repeat the same opening arguments in this discussion. You’re on page 1, I’m on page 449.

You don’t understand basic maths clearly…


Dottie has gone dotty.

And it takes 2-3 weeks to get to 60 again until you start farming strat again. Rocket science.

Why dont you go back to private server? All roses are there

obviously we’d prefer to play on official servers where a rogue GM can’t shut down the server over night but if enough bad changes happen, people just might.

Careful what you wish for.

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I never played private servers but its ridicilous that some sneaky retail trolls are bashing/insulting and even swearing at pserver players on classic forums.

Yo babies, classic started with this:

You can troll here today because pserver players/devs made petitions and even went to Blizzard HQ to have a series of meetings with them.
I will take a private server player over a retail credit card Andy anytime. (to clarify because you aren’t that bright: retail players that work hard to earn their stuff is totally fine. credit card babies are the ones crying for more and more paid services and slip their credit cards every time they can’t get what they want from the game)



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Why don’t you go back to retail?
All boosts are there


Yours too but still we dont ignore you and your followers.

Ah yes Mark Kerm, i guess you didnt do a proper research to see how valuable he is as dev and why he got yeeted.

Tanvar you still upset about the boost?

Why not leave it alone? Boost will come, better to acknowledge this and have peace with it.

Expressing an opinion doesnt mean I’m upset

You are upset because not everybody agree with your opinions and this make you mad and butthurted.

As we can see for the endless stream of “BaCk To ReTaIl” and other no sense instead of well thought counterpoints, and this is valid for the rest of the goon squad that are crying too much for a bunch of grown man/woman.

Yes you are. I study behaviour (at school) and you are at least a bit upset. But it is ok.

Since you are always talking about do not use boost level from 1 ect.
Would you be prepared to level my char with me to 60 then? I go afk/follow. If you are not willing to do this, then you should not talk against a boost.