Will we still get cloaks in weekly?

Its still season 3 loot.

It can corrupt though, seems strange.

Season 3 still drops in this weeks chest yeah.
both maybe? :confused:

Hm ok :thinking: thought it would be season 3 loot, but might be wrong.

Just got the parrotfeather cloak. yay.

Just wanted to drop by here and mention that for today (22nd of Jan) cloaks can still drop in the weekly chest. That’s because season 3 loot is still in those chests as season 4 starts today with the reset.

This does mean that next week’s weekly chest will have no cloaks.


Can end of dungeon loot corrupt this week?

How can the loot be corrupted though? I thought that wouldn’t be possible either.

Do u know if cloaks will drop from end of dungeon chest for m+ in season 4?

Items from the end of the run can indeed have a chance at corruption. That mechanic went live with the start of patch 8.3 so even though the season just started, it’s possible to get corrupted items since 8.3 went live.

Also the whole no cloaks thing is only for the weekly Mythic + chest. They should still have a chance to drop from the dungeon chest at the end of a run and they can still pop up in Warfront loot too.

Hope that helps clarify those three points :slightly_smiling_face:


Why? :thinking: Like… why? I might be too stupid to understand stuff like this :frowning:

By the way; I do of course not want to shoot the messenger :slight_smile: Thanks for the info of course!



We are not even getting azurite pieces in the M+ end dungeon chest. good luck on your haunt for transmog :stuck_out_tongue: Then do a normal/heroic/M0 I gues?

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didnt think about that xD

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I agree, that is just really bad design :smirk: guess we’ll have a large collection of cloaks when the season is over. And for transmog? Yeah, drop them in normal/hc/mythic 0 then. I think i’ve already gotten every single cloak there is to get from those dungeons anyways. I usually dont complain, but this is making me a bit salty, not gonna lie :unamused:


From yesterdays hotfixes:

“Trashmaster’s Mantle can no longer drop in Mythic Keystone dungeons.”

Perhaps you can clear up the reasoning for removing one cloak from the chest at the end of a run but not the rest?

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I just got a cloak from my m+ chest…

Yes, cause its still season 3 loot. But yeah, feels like crap to get cloaks when we have a legendary…

Ye i know, just so anoying to get a cloak when i dont need it :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t really care about this weeks M+ chest :slight_smile: It is low ilvl from now on anyway with 440. It is a ‘100%’ useless item. So just give me a cloak please this evening when I open my chest! :smile: