Willing to realm transfer

Hello all, im currently looking for a horde guild, been looking at both Kazzak and Draenor realms, as i currently play on lightnings blade and this seems to be heavily populated by russians for both pve and pvp, im struggling with progression. Was doing +9s up to end on 8.1 and getting about 4/8 on herioc raids as DPS. Recently switchd over to be a tank, currently practising in mythic + but willing to dps or tank. Looking for a social guild who i can play with, as the game is getting stale to PUG constantly and i want to play with other people who are doing progression. Looking for a guild i can do herioc and mythic raiding with, pvp isnt a must but if there is some within the guile who partake would be a positive. Played since beginig of cataclysm. Like i said above willing to change realm if its for the right guild. Recently faction changed back to horde so unsure on changing faction again, but not out of the realm of possiblilties.

Please add me for a chat :slight_smile:


Hi Annabeth,

We were on LB and transferred to our current realm, so we feel your exact pain. That’s the reason we left. We can definitely offer all of the things you are looking for on a well-populated realm of English speakers.

Take a look at the below and let me know if you’d be interested.

Hey Annabeth!

If you’re still looking, check us out! :wink:


You can find all contact info at the end of the post!

Hi there
If you’re still looking for a guild I think we’d be a really good fit for you :slight_smile: Please check us out

Would love to have a chat with you if you’re interested :slight_smile:

Hey we would love to have you join us in Twisting Nether! Feel free to read our post and contact one of us for a chat :slight_smile: