How is it going to work with who attacks and who defends?
The reason it’s slightly disappointing for me is because I’d like to see more variation in the types of gameplay options we have.
Bg Wintergrasp is gonna be fine, I have no doubts about that, but we already have two epic bg’s and lots of regular bg’s you can queue for. I was looking forward to something slightly different to spice things up.
I’d rather have a wild, sometimes completely unbalanced playzone style Wintergrasp instead of a “regulated” bg version. I’m probably in the minority though.
Am pretty sure it’s gonna be great. I experienced WG on a p server and it wasn’t full a lot of the times. I expect it to be full here.
Also i’d like to say that i’d like more brawl’s in the regular bg que. The arena ones and tarren mill vs southshore.
Yup i liked WG because of its total randomness and the fun time i had fighting for ore, herbs and stuff like that.
Turning it into a bg could be fun but only if it has that randomness without timers and you can use every damn tinker and trinket there is in the game to gain victory.
I remember Wintergraps widely to this day. I hated it with passion then and I will hate it with passion now. Thank god it won’t be forced down our throat. Creating ‘Epic Battleground’ must be one of their greatest pvp features this expansion. So we no longer have to do them.
I played WIntergrasp just like I played a BG. I’d queue up and hope to get in, and it was an experience a bit like Alterac Valley. On my server, there was no “open world PvP” happening in Wintergrasp. People farmed essences and herbs when it was controlled by their side, and that was the only activity there.
It changed hands frequently because of the Tenacity buff, so fights become increasingly imbalanced until the area changed hands.
I feel that it’ll work well as an Epic Battleground, though I’d have preferred a brand-new BG over something that I already played a lot in a past. It probably will be new to quite a few people.
Haven’t we already got one BG where you attack, then defend? (Or defend then attack.)
WG fights can be long though… Feels like there will be quite a few changes to make it work as a BG.
I know some people like those, but it is more the disappointment of not getting any open world area. A lot of people over the years did open world areas as a major part of their gameplay.
For me at least (and I know from reading various threads many others) an open world fun PvP area was something I loved to do.
I suppose what I’m saying is they perhaps should be looking that rather than just adding new instanced BGs.
Doesn’t War Mode kind of meet this need? (Genuine question here, I rarely turn it on.)
Nope. Warmode if anything is an inconvenience to regular questing, nice bonus when you are winning but nightmare if you need to get something done and enemy raids are afoot.
Wintergrasp was PvP with cool mini raid as a reward which dropped both PvP and PvE gear.
Can the romanticization of everything old to ridiculous claims of engagement please stop?
Reset wintergrasp wasn’t any different than any other wintergrasp at peak hours.
World PvP did NOT take place often enough to be any form of a feature or long lasting memory. For the simple reason that flying is allowed in-between battles and a dismounter item didn’t exist yet. So good luck having world pvp with everyone’s herbalist druid alt.
That form of nostalgia is as ridiculous as people claiming we had consistent world PvP in TBC in order to capture Hellfire Peninsula towers. While in reality the large majority of servers were so indifferent to those objectives that they had rotations on who occupies Halaa in Nagrand so that everyone can get their talbuks.
Wintergrasp was great either way and it will make a great BG. Although I do wonder how it will decide a victor if there’s not already a default occupant and a default attacker. I doubt Blizzard will try a taking turns method similar to Strand of the Ancients.
Same here the music and snow area is just so soothing.
But on topic, its better than nothing. You still can play it in the world. Its just that people don’t do it much.
I welcome it as with the split of normal battlegrounds and epic battle grounds i only end up getting av games that are in progress. If they are adding Wintergrasp and perhaps tol barad as epic bgs i always welcome it.
Its better than wintergrasp in the world currently. low level, the ore and herb nodes are shared by players, oh and if you are lucky you might actually find 1 other playing trying to do wg nowadays
Maybe on pve servers, but on pvp servers i actually remember having alot of fights in those places. But its true that nobody gave a damn about the bombing runs on haala.
And like OP said fights also did happen over stuff like resource nodes since only one person could get it.
But we need to be honest, with all the changes made you are not going to experience this again. Thats why its good to have wg back, even if its only as a ebg thats a tiny bit different.
Oh joy. A return to endlessly having to spam “WEST WALL” in chat and be ignored by those going in completely different directions. Still, WG was fun back when we had the numbers and at least there’ll be no siren warning of an impending dismount lol.
I totally agree but it’ll be damn fun to play WG again even if it is only a few times!
Even I have all the achs of WG, place from my experience was bad balanced and alliance have looser buff, 200 or 300% increased damage, heal and health points all the time.
Now as this version, can be somehow balanced.
Ashran on other side can be more fun, if converted in 100vs100 battle, 40 will be too less for this huge map and objects.
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