Worgen shaman when?

Just play an orc shaman. Worgen look like trash anyway.

I want Worgen shaman so much!

It´s been 12 years since I want that one! So long waiting!

whenever I saw in every expansion, we still got nothing

Also Worgen paladin, monk and demon hunter too please

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Still waiting on that “more race class combo” decision. Is it possible they don’t know how much people would like the restrictions gone?

@OP Aedrion

Resub again in 10.0.7

we get Worgen Monk

so it might be very close in 10.1 with another new class for us

I am not a very big fan of the monk class. Visually, I don’t like it much, the sound design isn’t that great and thematically, I don’t like it much either. I thought it trying it but I think a lot of its moves look… meh.

I’m still waiting for worgen shaman… making totems isn’t that much work, let’s hope they can do it for 10.0.7 too. 10.1 is too far away, I’ll have quit by then. :frowning:

Even Though, I want to play hearthstone

But I never want to keep waiting for another 5 years to see that we get everything for worgen like paladin, monk, shaman and demon hunter

We want them now! Not in 11.0

Thing is, I know it’s a smarter business move to allocate only limited resources to this while also staggering the release of each class becoming unlocked for all races.

Not only do you lose minimal man-hours while working on the next store mount, you also keep encouraging people to renew their sub. Instead of front loading it and having people max those new chars and leave, they can now entice people to return every 3 months to try monk, then paladin, then shaman and maybe finally druid on new races.

A game dev who cares about their players would roll this out asap and make everybody happy and excited. A corporation that wants money from its customers will do whatever it needs to, to maximise profit.

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I found a toy called Atomic Recalibator that can spend 1 hour being a worgen shaman

but cooldown has 12 hours

Can choose from another shaman and transform into a worgen by a toy

I bought a toy from Crafting Order and must be an engineer

How about we go crazy and introduce Gnome Druid with a Mosquito as a flying form, Kitten, Teddy Bear Tank and Sparrowkin for caster, ah and dont forget Healer Stick form for boosting yer heals…

I mean, It has a toy to become almost everything, except Nightborne, Void Elf, Lightforged, Highmountain, Dark Iron, Mag´har

Which means when I walk this platform, I can become the worgen and it has few animations for shamans

Do it while at paladin, shaman, monk or DH and enjoy the races you want to spend 1 hour

Neh, that’s not the real deal. Besides, isn’t that a paid toy?

I think I have used 5k golds

Just followed recipes until lvl 25 and then went to Crafting order followed the recipes which were more expensive than the green recipes

Still, this isn’t what I want. I don’t plan to level this character to max. I wanna roleplay in the lower level zones <3

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Like Azsuna and Suramar?

My dream for playing World of Warcraft is to make a lowbie character, equip only trash gear, level lock him in turns to all zones. Never learn flying, read all quests and just explore the old zones. Elwynn, Westfall, Darkshore, Duskwood…

Shaman is also a class I love thematically but have never played. Worgen is my fav race, the brutal, suave nature of worgen blends well with shaman.

I missed a lot of expansions but I wanna see what the game has on offer if I ignore the endgame and just explore the old world.

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and using 3 or more different shamans can spend being a worgen shaman for total 3-8 hours

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