World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Talent Preview - Priest

Scrap the Twinst of the sun priestess and change PI to be specific for priest with 10-15% haste
cause like 25% is too much and it’s too much because you can put it on someone every 2min
you consider BL OP so you put a 10 min debuff on that spell and it’s 30 % haste for party
and you put a personal BL into class?

I still don’t understand why are you just going with SHADOWLANDS stuff
there is many people hating on certain playstyles
like for example AOE with shadowpriest and pressing searing nightmare during mind sear is horrible
Why would you keep that in game??
Why are you not changing more?? Did you not notice that people don’t like your class design since BFA?

PS. only thing i liked is in shadow talents trees
idols of old gods talents are very interesting if only the whole tree was like that

PS2: people like playing BOON and instead of BOON you put a mind games into a TALENT tree?
there is so many questionable picks you did for priest

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It’s impossible to know what well means when looking at damage logs purely, PERIOD. The notion that doing well against the boss is primarily or even purely about doing damage to it is misguided.

Damage can come from padding, it can come from using your cooldowns back-to-back instead of during a dangerous phase, it can come from quickly clearing away mobs that are going to die before they do anything dangerous anyway. I refer to this as “scumbag DPS”.

Your damage in individual runs can also be heavily influenced by which mechanics you are asked to deal with by your raid leader, or it can be influenced by just random chance of a mechanic hitting you repeatedly on that one pull where your DPS rotation RNG was in your favour.

If you want a true look into how well you did you have to consider mechanics dodged, if your positioning causes DPS loss for other players, your ability to sacrifice, communicate, even make friends.

And don’t even get me started on tanks and healers competing on the DPS meters. I was a Guardian Druid on Jaina back in 8.1. At the time of killing her 2 Guardian Druids in the world had done so, and dozens were spamming her full of damage and consequently wiping, most likely blaming healers or the raids for failing to dodge a mechanic.

The reality was that simply playing a little more defensive to free up healer time would’ve done it. Do I consider myself more skilled despite getting a 9 log with a star next to it? Yes, I do. Obviously I do not consider myself to be particularly skilled though, since I still got a fairly low ranking relative to people not playing Guardian Druids, not to mention the damage was bad and could’ve been better, but I beat her when others couldn’t.

Start comparing kill timers and damage taken, or filter away players who got PI from the leaderboards, which I believe actually WCL allows you to do.

In any case, I appreciate your comment and want to add my own, my own being that I am tired of obsessive focus on DPS meters and I think it’s a fun ability that ought to stay. Blizzard now has arguments for and against keeping it, let us see what they decide to do.


“Pls remove PI from the game its not fair I cant perform better(Parsing) than the ones who receive PI buff”

Just maybe the game isnt designed around your epeen @ parses on warcraftlogs


Party content means you interact with each other, this isn’t just 5 people doing their own thing. I think it’s good if healers can buff their teammates.

Take Overwatch for comparison. Ana has a Nano Boost ultimate that heals a teammate, increases their damage by 50% and reduces their damage taken by 50% for 8 seconds. It allows people a timeframe to do stuff they could never pull otherwise, but requires some coordination.

You don’t know what the DF cooldown is. It could be nerfed already or might be nerfed with enough feedback.

Let me put it like this

Why do you take a Priest in to raids?
Answer: Mass Dispel and Power Infusion

Whats the worst nightmare for Priests?
Getting a bilion whispers for PI in groups or even getting kicked because you use it on yourself.

Why in earth would you still have Power Infusion in the game? Its the biggest flaw of priests.
Not only did you put PI as a talent, to get Mass Dispel you HAVE to get PI.

I have no words for these talents what so ever. Make PI self cast only, make Twins of the Sun Priestess default or delete the spell from the game.

I really hope you change this before the expansion comes live.

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Looking at it briefly, I think it looks pretty interesting.

There are a lot of cool talents that allow you to focus on various aspects of your toolkit. And you won’t be able to get everything, so choice and customization seems good.

So yeah, at a first glance I like it.

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I still dont see any fix to a glaring shadow issue which is aoe. There are many talents that prolong your dots, make dots more powerful, tick faster, crit more, generate more shadows from dots…but except universaly hated searing nightmare…theres nothing how to apply them fast to a large pack of mobs…so the issue is still the same…before you dot everything so you can start doing damage…everything is either dead or half dead …

On positive note…last 3 rows are intteresting.
Except cthun which is call of the void sl lego…which procs once per blue moon…and it procs from casting flay…and in current hectic playstyle you dont cast flay or very rarely…that idol will be useless imho.

Having hungering void and ancient madness together will be …a bit op …
I like the increased atention to shadowy aparations. There needs to be more way how to spawn them and make an entire playstly around it…that would be fun.

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Memories like “Remember that time I came 2nd on the damage meter”… yeh nice memories.

THAT is exactly what it is.

Then just ask for a button to remove PI from the logs.

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Pi is still no only self buff cd… bad job blizzard =)


These trees would be both interesting and fun it you had just started playing wow, but unfortunately all the effort going into them feels like it is being done for an entirely different game than the we are playing today.

Even without following theory crafting advice, it’s easy to figure out what works and what isn’t even worth touching, pretty much the case with current iteration. They failed miserably at balancing much more simple 7 rows with 3 choices and they’re trying to convince us this is going to be better somehow?

Please, so much development time being throw out of window on trying to reinvent the game. Huge waste. The game would have been much better off if damage dealer only classes (hunter, mage, warlock, rogue) each received a bonus or a complete role rework for one of their specializations (tank/healer), which would drastically help not only with queues but help move on from long-established meta compositions, especially those in pvp.

If you ask me, what’s being done with new talents is only a slight improvement on the whole DRUID-AFFINITY gimmick, which enables either a complete meme build that you can enjoy while doing world quests or they risk creating something that completely breaks the game by overshadowing everything else.

It’s nonsense, meaningful choice, if any is usually buried under 15 other useless talents. This is not fun, it’s just crap with several layers of makeup. This class fantasy that you are trying to create could be achieved better through character customization, better cosmetic items or even things like green fel-fire for warlocks.


Just saw the news. I am not posting much and I even canceled the subscription recently. I don’t know what the numbers are going to be, but I don’t care tbh. Back in BFA I played Luminous Barrier just because I loved the fantasy of it.

The new talent three for disc… Whoever came up with those ideas of “light” side of it and “shadow”, GJ and thank you! You made me resubscribe to the game for the fantasy.

As someone who mained priest since I started playing as a kid, this is again great. It brings back the feeling of fantasy that I had with priest back in the day.

I know, I know… Thank you!

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Please make PI self cast for priest only!

  1. It creates healer class unbalance - priest with PI will always bring the most DPS
  2. It creates toxicity in guild because everyone wants PI, and people who don’t get feel bad comaring themself to other players.
  3. It creates balance issues - see SOFO demolock getting nerfed only because PI made him broken.
  4. Priest’s are being spammed/harrased in pugs from people that want’s PI

In game where there is BL party CD one class shouldn’t have access to bl on short cd.

They are just removing what we have from current skills and covenents

Lol, what.

I’ve only ever had one person tell me to PI them so far in season 3.

it must’ve been the one single time you joined a raid

Please rethink PI. Like this it is mandatory in every possible situation. It is also in my opinion a terrible mechanic because you basically spend a talent point on a skill for someone else that you for some reason have to push when they tell you to.

If you got the effect every time you gave it to someone else it wouldnt feel as bad, or if you couldnt cast it on others. Nothing feels worse than casting it on others as shadow and i’m sure there’s better ways to give the healing specs groupwide utility while not making cooldown windows as explosive as they are now.

Also keeping spirit shell seems like a bad idea. It feels like it’s always a hard binary, useless or mandatory. Especially if the other healers have no effects similar to it.

Otherwise a big fan of the new trees.

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I don’t raid. I do m+ only. I just PI the highest DPS, always. I see the highest DPS use CDs? PI.

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Yeah but this response singlehandedly explains your partial ignorance of the problem