World of warcraft graphics!


The artwork and music have always been amazing in this game. Personally I love the style as it feels like you are running around inside a fantasy painting, plus it ages alot better then hyper realistic games which are always going to look out of date after a few months.

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Yes that would be cool too like complete first world including sw ironforge etc. Because they make the new worlds amazing but the old ones are out of date!

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I’ve always loved Wow’s graphical style. It ages very well compared to other MMOs from around the same time, due to it’s cartoonish nature and I’m really glad, that as they’ve upgraded things over the years they’ve chosen to retain that style. I think if they had chosen to go with a similar style to other MMOs, it may not have had the long life it has had

Very true they need too keep the style for sure never drop it but work furthur on it. And keep improving look at overwatch very nice cartoon style and amazing graphics !

You don’t spot any difference in graphics quality between, say, Stormwind and Boralus? O.o

Wouldn’t go as far as to compare it to PS4 games but some of the scenery such as the trees in Ardenweald are gorgeous. I know that’s pretty frowned on as a zone but its my absolute favourite aesthetically.

Have u seen my race? xD

I don’t believe Blood Elves are any worse off than other races. I have noticed that they have huge feet though, even the females. But they aren’t the only race to have that. All the races rather fit in with the surrounding world. Super realistic people in a cartoonish setting would be an eyesore, I think.

No i mean how can i compare SW and the other thing u mentioned being horde and all.

Because maybe you were playing both sides like I do and have for years. I know both factions and their respective areas well. You are missing out on half the game just playing one side as well as becoming one-track minded to boot :wink:

stormwind did had a overhaul in cata tough but boralus do looks better comon !

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