Worse class design i've experienced in 14 years

Clearly you don’t.
Malefic is part of the “DoT & Rot” play style, it interacts with your DoTed targets…

you know corruption, essences, azerite traits ?

some examples for you

What does any of that have to do with the conversation of Affliction DoTs?

But these are gone in the pre patch? I don’t get how these matter for the point the OP was trying to make.

some of them are gone in pre patch, the corruptions are gone, but the passive damage effects like essences and some azerite traits are not being removed, even though they should be.

because if Blizzard designs a game around the fact that we have so much dmg coming from random sources that aren’t in our control or aren’t even coming from our class toolkit they also have to subtract that damage somewhere and that somewhere are your active spells.

that’s why many people feel like their dmg from actual buttons they press doesn’t do that much anymore, it’s all about those procs.

for example if we delete all passive effects from corruption, azerite and essences and add that dmg to our normal class spells it would feel like we are doing more dmg because we are the ones in control of our output.

Today (SL) affli has nothing to do with " DoT & Rot” style.

Doing ok what? The fact that DOTs do less damage than poisons of rogues? That malefic needs to be cast and it costs 1 shard? And if you are without shards (which is very often the case), then you are just meat. And in PVP, you will be 90% of the time. Doing ok what?

Any mili class or hunter push 1-2 button and deal instant huge dmg, its ok? In this logic, Malefic must be instant cast.

Personally, I’m talking about the style of play. Compare the damage from the DOTs is also appropriate. It just shows that DOT is not damage.

The best affli play style being in wotlk. Just do same, Blizz.

Currently, in BFA? Yes.

But that isn’t really the point here. The point the OP was making is that DoTs don’t do enough damage in the current state of affliction on PTR (without all the randomness).

I disagree. I don’t think this is the case on the PTR. The problem is that in the video above an important new skill of the affliction spec is ignored. If it wasn’t ignored there would be way more damage.

The problem is that the videos above try to use the past playstyle of Classic on the new Class design of the PTR.

It’s completly okay to dislike the new Affliction playstyle, eventhough I personally like it. But the comparison of PTR and Classic makes absolutely no sense imo.

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What kind of dumb comparison is this? It’s valid for nothing and means less than that.

Also, reading, apparently you didn’t even use all your abilities. In the words of twitch, omegalul kek or something.


Shadowlands has not been designed around those RNG systems though…?
If it was complaining about BFA class design your point would be relevant, but Azerites, corruptions and essences are all being removed.

If anything the play style OP is asking for is for more passive damage in the form of DoTs which is somewhat out of their control.

The entire class is built around DoTs, I really don’t see where you’re coming from with statements like that.

BFA is less DoT & Rot, it’s all about your burst window with UA’s.
Shadowland takes it back to DoT and cleave.

Damage right now is irrelevant.
The Aff kit is based more around DoT’s than Rogues kit is based around posions, unless Aff is the worst spec the DoT’s will be fine.

You’re asking for a DoT & Rot class and now complaining that your spender isn’t a huge burst spell.
That is not what rot means.

Imo PvP shouldn’t be about dealing huge damage all the time. Instead it should be more about bursting at the right time and I think Malefic is great for that.

By that logic any mage spell would have to be instant cast aswell.

Dot classes like Affliction and Unholy never were classes that dealt their top dmg with 1 or 2 skills and instead need to ramp up their damage. But this would also be the case with the old affliction spec that you refer to.

The thing is, I actually think that malefic is a huge burst spell. It just needs some time to set up, but with all 3 DoTs applied and a lot of shards saved up it can actually be quite the burst. I really like that about the changed spec.

There is such a thing as “tunnel damage”. I’m not comparing bursts. I’m talking about ability damage. Damage to abilities and style of play are different things. Warlocks are asked to nerf Malefic and improve DOTs. There are still moments that are needed for affli on the type of 100% heal from siphon Life damage, but this is not about that. Patch 3.3.5 affly spec reference.

In the current conditions, there is a question “why do I need SB?”. An absolutely terrible ability that deals 200+ damage on PTR. As a filler, it is simply miserable. Let me remind you that the caste time is 1.6 + sec (with haste).

There should be no huge damage. But there must be pressure. Now it is not and will not be. That’s what we’re talking about.

I think it’s the only way a spec like Aff can survive in M+, rotting targets down just doesn’t quite get the job done.

But the core of Affliction is still very much so DoT & Rot.
With the addition of curses to fuel the fantasy of rotting your enemies strength away.

Then there is the Covenant abilities, three of four being an extra DoT ability.
If you love DoT & Rot the NF ability provides a pretty neat interaction with drain life.

I mean the ability is literally called Soul Rot.

The OP video is just so ridiculous and the comparison makes no sense. It’s just a little infuriating to see a bold title “Worst class design!!” and it’s over number tuning on dots.


You are. And I’m sure others are aswell. I personally like the changes to the spec.

I think this is the main point here. You prefer the old style of play, while I prefer the new playstyle, so we’ll probably never agree. I just think the OP presented his point in a bad way by just comparing the dot damage. Asking for a different playstyle is fine, but I just dislike the way he presented it. He never even mentioned Malefic Rapture and focussed solely on the DoT damage.

I kinda agree on that one. With the PTR changes to class design every spec gets Shadowbolt, so I wouldn’t see it as mandatory to use. I think it’s mainly there for the combination with the level 15 talent. So you either just use it with the instant cast proc or replace it by Soul Siphon. Casting it normally feels like a waste of time.

I disagree on that one. Old affli was all about pressure, but therefore was often lacking burst. New affli lacks constant pressure, but has a good burst if you save up Soul Shards.

I think both of those are valid playstyles. We both obviously like different playstyles, but I wouldn’t go as far and say that either of those two are bad.

Okay, Warlocks who have something to compare. You’re overconfident)

Its true. For burst damage, we have Destro. Give us a good old affli)

Not exactly. Old affli could “blow up”. Moreover, we are usually talking about a team game. But in the classic sense of burst damage, yes. But there’s Destro for that, again.

u dont understand the post so dont comment it

same jike on shadow “spreading dots” does more dmg than rolling dots that feels stupid

on singel target u give the mop the dot 3 times in a roar and hes dead of inicial dmg theoretically without theese dots do dmg over time awful playstle

This is the worst class design team. BfA classes have been horrible and SL will be worse. The longer Blizz keep those incompetent fools in charge the bigger the damage. It is extremely clear that they change specs classes they never actually play. Their incompetence is only matched by their extreme carelessness.


Spamming shadowbolt over and over again sure was the pinnacle of class design.

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