I had that as well but with me the problem was that I didnt have all ticked on, tradingcard ones wasnt so check that and hopefully that will fix it.
Y’all give Bobby Kotick $200 000 000 a year, ask him to pitch in.
lel i got a monkey pet free
Made several. Was told it had been ‘escalated’ and to not make another ticket. Four days later and no response.
I was not aware you had already made tickets. You are not the only one to have this issue. Hopefully they’ll manage to sort a fix.
Let Bobby donate the rest. Jesus Christ…
Disgusting rotten company
It should accelerate as it get closer to the goal. We got like 3 weeks still
You can make a difference in the global response to COVID-19 by taking part in the World of Warcraft Charity Pet program. Your donations will go directly to support the medical humanitarian aid organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and can help toward gifting two battle pets to the World of Warcraft community*. Only donations made on this site by April 26, 2021 11:59pm EST will count towards program goals.
do we know how far there is to go still?
13 days left and we are at 80.9%, near of 190,000 missing for goal.
A week left and we are missing $100 000.