WoW Classic Devs are now posting on X/Twitter

We’ve got a new X/Twitter account right here.

Those of you who also use X/Twitter can expect game information, announcements, behind-the-scenes fun and more.

Follow @WoWClassicDevs today!

Seems you guys are really out of touch.
Instead of communicating with the community on your own forums, you chose some random social platform.

Thumbs down.


i expect all game info on the forums…


That’s lovely for the Twitter users, yeah (:
just saying to the others that they said ALSO on twitter, not only on twitter. Surely they wouldn’t abandon the people here. Retail news are here too

for real wtf u doing.
use your forums.

i am not getting sucked into the hellscape that is twitter because you decide to be deliberate amateurs who are afraid of your own playerbase.

this is outrageous.


not also
it have happend countless times in the past that info was only on twitter, and some random dude linked to it on the forums.

Yeah, i re-read it after. Sucks. But surely :sweat_smile:

Cant even use the forums, lmao

Are we a joke to you on the forums? To ask the most simplest of things to simply post any given update here? It is bad enough some of your devs literally aren’t supervised at all on social media, cough Zirene and Aggrend, but this? No thank you.
Y’all need to get into touch with the SoD community rather than distance yourselves.

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lads it’s not like they ever cared about EU feedback , it was always all about US feedback anyway.

US is also saying to nerf hunters and shamans, they don’t care about feedback at all LMFAO.

Have to agree this is out of touch. So far any communication via Twitter has mostly been 1 or 2 devs with a bad attitude just telling the entire community that it doesn’t matter if they are upset and that their design choices are good regardless of if the game is fun or not.

Zirene’s take of Rogue tanks for example gives me a head ache “Yeah rogues, and only rogues, should have to ask every group to wait between pulls for 2/3 Fan of Knives, that how classic should be” even though even that is not good enough to hold agro against most range DPS and other tank classes don’t need to so Rogue tank just have a terrible reputation now.

These devs need their social media account monitoring…


I never had and will never have accounts on X, Instagram, Tiktok, Telegram, Whatsapp or whatever the hell the latest thing people want to post pictures of their dinner on is.

How about you use your own website and forums?


WTH are you ppl doing?!?! You should KNOW or be aware of the fact that Twitter / X is way more popular in the US than in the EU!!

So you feel like it’s a great idea to support a multi billionaire like Elon Musk as the owner of Twitter / X even more?

The last group of ppl who didn’t think you don’t care about EU players will now also get convinced (me included) that you don’t give a flipping dime about EUplayers.

You ppl are so detached!

Bring back devs which knows what they’re doing and cares about the community