WoW Community Council, just entered the place

I think it would be the best if gear became unique as in classic wow, with unique stats and such, but I would go even further and make every gear to scale with content you are doing, so if you are raiding that gear would have lets say 200 base ilvl in open world, but in raiding it would go up to 250ilvl mythic 235 heroic and 225 normal and lfr, because if that there would be many unique gear in both pve and pvp content, also I would make 200ilvl base gear from certain weekly quests like bounty hunter quests or special events that occur in open world such as halaa fights and who wins that fight can trade gear for tokens - it would be daily quests so for like 10 marks you get 200ilvl piece of item in open world with again unique stats.
So in my opinion base ilvl would have any content you do no matter how difficult it is - 200ilvl,
and dungeons, raids and pvp scale gear up to 250 for example in that particular content.
I would also add more varieties to farm in open world and more unique weekly quests (maybe class specific + pvp quests for gear), also more ways to farm gold would increase open world activity which is not this topic but is as important.

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