WoW is P2W - Do you agree?

The true way to win WoW is to stop playing. Therefore WoW is explicitly pay to lose.


Well i might have to stop now as Mistjo has already beaten us all to the win…


Imo the only thing u can win in wow are things like race to world first, mdi tournaments, arena tournaments and so on. Getting into the top % for the title in m+. Those things u cant pay to win id think, at those levels everyone needs to be highly skilled and pull their weight.

Unless you enter your Card details skillfully…maybe blizz could add some special Captcha tech on the payments screen to make it feel like you worked for it a bit :smiley:

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This is carryable but the 5th player still has to be competent / decent at their class and not die to avoidable damage. They also basically have to be a DPS.

Could add that addon i used to practice running the balls and spikes walls on painsmith back in SL :rofl: get through it flawless to get the payment through!

Really? Did not expect that to be able to be bought, today i learnt! :smile:

It’ll depend on the season. S1 title was only 3336 which was 15s, currently it’s 3600 with 4 weeks to go. Expecting it to be 18-19s by the end.

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By the tone of your post, we can only agree with you, god forbid thinking differently.

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What’s everyone’s preferred level of toast brownness?

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Slightly golden.

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The only ones that win when people buy boosts are the ones getting the gold


P2W, no… You can’t “Win” in WoW.

There’s P2P (Pay to Progress), which is essentially just as bad.

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Quick aside given the typical complaint in the case of P2W is it devalues players achievements, you’d think the players who dislike P2W were it to exist would be the ones whose achievements / accomplishments are being devalued?

Yet I’ve never seen a mythic raider, high key pusher, or high end PvPer complain about this. It’s always people who don’t have said accomplishments, or who loudly proclaim they would have them if they weren’t so demotivated by the game supposedly being P2W.


A frog won’t complain if it’s being boiled slowly.

Likewise, WoW players won’t complain if Blizzard introduces new monetization schemes slowly over time.

We’ve shown that over the years.

We fairly quickly accept the new state of affairs and adapt to a new norm.

If Blizzard had introduced the WoW Token, the level boost, the Online Store and all in it, at the same time, then players would be outraged. But because they introduce it slowly, incrementally, over time, the impact isn’t felt so much – even if the sum of the parts is staggering.

Like the frog boils without complaint, so do we.

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Not seeing how this analogy fits here. Paid caries have been a part of this game forever and it’s never the ones doing the content those people are being carried in doing the complaining.

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Boiling frog - Wikipedia

As far as paid carries since the dawn of time are concerned, then that in itself has never been a big issue (although it has undermined some of the game’s integrity). It’s the facilitation of the gold buying through official means that is the issue.

In the good old days if you wanted a carry you had to pay with gold, which meant you had to painstakingly farm that gold in Tyr’s Hand or the Elemental Plateau or wherever.
So you still had to put time and effort into the game and your carry was a bi-product of that. So the game really just compromised the skill part of its integrity.

Today you can just buy the gold on the Online Store through Blizzard’s service.
No time or effort needed, and no skill either. The carry you get is entirely the bi-product of your credit card.

So it’s a bigger problem today, because the way it’s facilitated through the WoW Token is a greater violation of the game’s integrity than back when the WoW Token didn’t exist and you actually had to earn gold through playing the game.


Or put a piece of cloth on the auction house for an obscene price and mysteriously have it sell.


Well let’s acknowledge that there’s something called fair play and something called cheating.

And players have always been able to cheat in order to get gold in WoW.

The difference today is that what used to be called cheating is now a legitimate service offered by Blizzard.