WoW is P2W - Do you agree?

This is litearlly false.
you have always been able to trade gold in wow and the auction house is older then Battlegrounds in wow.
It is litearlly older then dedicated PvP.

None of this has ANYTHING AT ALL to do with gold you can do ALL of these things without gold.

He would be beaten in pvp by a lvl 12 rogue twink.

And we ALREADY had Chinese gold sellers in Vanilla.
Accounts was literally REAL LIFE money SOLD to people but you ignore these things completely.
At the time because of 40man raiding you could drag BAD people into push content easily and still do the content this was known by everyone who played at the time and did content.

That is your opinion it is NOT at all factual however.
And if you want to make that the reason then ALREADY in VANILLA WOW was it broken.

True, but the token is itself is a p2w element there is really not much to debate around it Both thing can co-exist.

I’m sorry to tell you but whatever attitude someone has, will not stop blizzard from enacting whatever evil scheme they might be cooking up.

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My only doubt is using it for pvp boosts, since then you are directly winning of someone else, and take their score. But i haven’t heared that argument yet. About collection fluff or pve it is never P2W since that is all personal progress without any competition.

What does the token do to make you win?

You can pay to watch others kill stuff for you I guess. But how is that “winning”?


If you follow this half IQ statement, 90% of the game people consider P2W then are not pay 2 win cause you don’t really “win”. Whatever that “win” means given that you ask that to 100 people and everyone will give you a different, subjective opinion.

I think most people need that “advantage over other people” department in the P2W. Which means you buy something that is, or not obtainable without paying, or you buy something that takes unreasonable time to get without spending money.

Gold buying and gold trading are not the same, just so we understand each other.

There’s nothing wrong, and there never has been anything wrong, with trading items for gold with other players or on the Auction House. Because everything is acquired by everyone involved playing the game as intended.

Gold buying is different because the buyer uses real-life money to acquire the gold, and thus it’s not a bi-product of playing the game and putting time and effort into acquiring it. And that’s why it’s historically been viewed as cheating.

That doesn’t refute the point.

The fact of the matter was that it used to be that you could only obtain the best gear by being the best player. That’s how the game was designed.

Now any smuck can get it by simply grabbing their credit card and swiping it a couple of times for WoW Tokens and then buy some boosts with the gold.

So that’s undermined the game’s design intent completely, because lots of people do buy gold and boosts. So there’s no correlation any longer between the rewards players have acquired and how accomplished they are in the game.

It is my opinion, that is true. But having argued it here for a while, I think it’s a pretty strong opinion. Especially because it’s hard to be the Blizzard defender on this matter and having to sit here and praise Blizzard for selling gold and facilitating boosting and otherwise talk WoW up as if it’s a better game for having gold selling and boosting than not having or allowing those practices.
Hence why the only other opinion seems to fall on the side of:
“I don’t care.”
“You don’t have to.”
“It doesn’t affect me.”
“I’m not bothered by it.”
Defeatist attitudes from wannabe gamers with not an ounce of integrity in their bones.

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But that’s subjective tho, someone then could argue that “is not a competitive game so why get mad if people pay?” (and i have seen those as well).
Is never ending.

But the “unreasonable” is subjective. You could think a Mythic mount is not unreasonable for you, for example, but for 99% of the people playing WoW it probably is.

Others could find KSM unreasonable while for us is not. That’s subjective, but the outcome is still the same.

That’s exactly the point.

This is an mmorpg without a set end-point. You set your own goals.

Paying others so I can watch them play is completely foreign to me because it’s not me who achieved said goal if I’d do that, I would most certainly not call that winning.

I am not disagreeing it is subjective. It is actually the whole point.

But it obviously also can not be about an item or achievement that literally millions of players also get. And you can hardly care about other peoples achievements when it is about pve where’s no competition. We are basically all playing together to get together as far as possible.

I just clap for everyone who achieves higher content than i do :slight_smile: But i am not jealous and for sure not interested in a curve or CE achievement. In the end it is about the road and not about the achievement. The achievement gives no fun. The road gives fun.

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I havent read ur post but its obiviously pay to win being able to buy gold is p2w, level boost p2w etc etc. People denying that are trolling or taking back shots

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It doesn’t even take a day to level a character to max level the normal way. How is it p2w, lmao.

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No matter what goal the player sets for himself, Blizzard offers to sell you an easier path toward it.

If we’re being rough, I think you can distill all goals in WoW under the following:


Everything you can do or pursue or partake in in WoW, it all falls under one of those above.

And all of those above can be bought on the Online Store.

Power and progression comes from the WoW Token and the level boost.
Wealth comes from the WoW Token.
And vanity comes from the WoW Token as well as all the mounts, pets, and transmogs that Blizzard sells.

There’s no goal a player can set for himself that Blizzard doesn’t sell a related offer on the store for.

It has to be some really obscure and weird takes then, like: “I play WoW to hug as many critters as possible!”
I mean, yeah, okay, sure, some people probably play for reasons like that. But generally speaking, the goals most people set for themselves in this game revolve around power, progression, wealth, and vanity. And Blizzard sells all of that for money, directly and indirectly.

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Or you just don’t know what p2w means. Or for you, it is considered a win to get a poorly geared lvl 70 character in a game where you can level up one under a couple of hours.

Yeah it is pay to win. It’s called your subscription.

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Every goal I’ve had is not something that can be bought.


Paying others to do it for me is basically the same as buying a game for my PS4 and then paying someone else and handing them the controller while I watch them play the game instead of playing it myself.

It’s absolutely absurd to me. First you spend money on a game and then you don’t even play it but pay others to play it for you.

Why spend a couple of hours if I’m rich and I can do it in an instant?
Why even limit myself to a poorly-geared level 70 character? If I’m rich I can just spend some more money and voilà! Now it’s an exceptionally well-geared level 70 character.
And I likely haven’t even spent more than a couple of hours and some money that I have plenty of.

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I still have 3 character boosts from buying Shadowlands, Dragonflight and the next expansion :sweat_smile:

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Why even pay for a game if you’re not going to play it and pay others to play it for you, lol. I really don’t understand the logic here.

Would you buy FF16 for PS5 and then pay someone else to play it while you watch them play?