WoW Token is pay2win

You do realise that it is actually possible to buy a boost for that, right? And you can buy that gold through the token, so with real money. You can buy a boost through end game with real money.

The thing is that abuse is supposed to be punished. I know, blizz is very lax with that, but it should be bannable. Blizzard now doing stuff themselves that they saw as bannable before because “it would ruin the economy” doesn’t make it suddenly right. It still ruins the economy.

Yes, by playing the game and investing time/effort. Not by pulling out your wallet and gain a fortune in a few seconds.

You can, but it takes time and effort and therefore it’s a lot slower of pumping millions into the economy than creating those millions out of thin air. Also fewer people would be able to do that because of the time/effort restriction. People aren’t under any illusion, you just assume they are.

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In turn it creates massive amounts of bots ruining the markets with excessive amounts of resources. It’s hard to say which is worse, but it’s also hard to say which is better.

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It isn’t hard to say at all. You can ban bots. Not that those bots aren’t running around now getting gold for tokens. Bots mean real money now easier than before, even.

Blizzard ruining the game doesn’t make it better. At best, it’s equally bad. At worst, anyone can now make easy money by botting. And the boosting for rl money is through the roof. Imo it’s gotten way worse.

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Did Chinese farmers added mythic lvl boe’s in game or was it Blizz?
The problem is not in token,problems is in mythic lvl boes that should not exist


And they created those mythic level BoE’s knowing full well that would increase their wow token sales.


And lets not forget boe’s are ,well a boe’s so a person can use dummy acc to avoid token amount restriction and send boes to main

Lol this thread is a never ending cycle tbh xD

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insane or planned ?

why do you assume that blizzard didnt know the outcome before putting this system into game


Yes that is only “reputation”. Just like there is reputation for Blizzard to release working products, yet here we are, still paying them. :slight_smile:

Reputation can be easily defended and used against loaners and there would be people who would defend method no matter what even if they would not repay loans. There’s more than enough people in this game that believe might is right.

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I don’t think they actually think anything through.

They have sponsors and no sponsor is interested in those who rip off other players.

I did say all this in a previous reply, maybe you missed it :slight_smile:

They would only be able to rip everyone off once, after that no one would ever loan them any gold again, they’d be stuck and it would cost them their competitive edge.

No RWF guild is going to do that.

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The epic cat goes for anything like 45million atm 4 and half char gold caps that’s round about £3,800 pounds atm .
That’s why you never see them in AH as auctions are capped at 10million

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I agree, I forgot what happened with Jokerd who looted staff. If I remember Method has kicked him out?

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this is just a conspiracy, Raid Level Item level BoEs have existed long before tokens did.

this has been something in the game for a long time…

They did yes as he refused to apologise or change his ways.

Yeah they are very protective of their brands.

Tokens haven’t previously existed alongside BiS BoE items.

It’s not a conspiracy, just common sense.


Do people really pay for those ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I had to go to update myself on those …

And wooowowwh… you are not joking. Just opened one of those go-to sites and … wow… Now I need to sip stronger coiffee.

I have never liked the tiger and there has been time they were on AH and I had the coin, but I just … don’t like them.

3000 usd for a mount… what the…

right lets start with what i actually wrote.

BiS items have Existed Prior the TOken System. It isnt a System that was Introduced WITH Tokens… it was never Designed to encourage the purchase of Tokens, its Simply a System that needs Altering NOW that tokens exist.

Going onto Talisens Video, this Entire Thread is actually a Lie on what he said.

What Talisen Said Was

“The BiS items at the top ilevel avlaiable need to be REMOVED FROM THE GAME. as the Positives of the Token Far outweigh any Saddness from their BoEs removal”.

The Video is Advocating for the Removal of BoE items. not the Removal of the Token System.

P.S… WoD… also had Tokens + BoEs… Existing Simultaniously, its Just now with imbalanced Corruption effects its come into play more then ever.

but again, BoEs have Always existed in WOW, and top level guilds have ALWAYS bought them we were just blind to it due to the fact World firsts were never LIVE before, Even talisen says this during the video.

the concept of BoE Hoarding and buying them, racking up debts with the community hand more from these guilds ALWAYS Existed. we just never saw behind the scenes that now we do.

apart from his video Doesnt Agree with what u’ve written at all, hes Said the Removal of Top ilevel BoE items… not the removal of Tokens… He Litterally says Hes a PRO token Player and USES THE TOKEN to pay for his Subscription lol, he is Saying that BoE items Need fixing Now that the token exists… not the removal of the Token.

He doesnt say the Token is damaging for the game either, hes Saying BoEs are.

Have you seen the forum post about the card game and sellers.
Some times and you need nerves of steal to do it takes people 3 relogs of capped chars to hand over gold i myself would be worried sick .
With the cap now being 10 mill per char and 50 chars per realm and account its alot of gold to store.