WoW Token is pay2win

That’s not me, Varian saved me during orc invasion, my parents were slain and he adopted me as a mentor. Parents dying breath was to name me as a baby what I am in his honor.

And my sole purpose is to slay orcish filth for killing my family.

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I smash you dead human! raaaaaargh!


I chop off your filthy arms dead Orc ! Raaaaargh !


T&E, are a bunch of YouTubers in the end. They love to light a candle and say it’s a green fire. My advice, unsub their cannel and don’t listen to a word they say…
There videos are just annoying, nonsense and weird at times. Don’t follow their channel they are worse than P2W fiasco…

ENOUGH!! There will be no more bloodshed today.

I see now why your Alliance and your Horde cannot stop fighting.

Every reprisal is itself an act of aggression, and every act of aggression triggers immediate reprisal!

YOU must break the cycle. It ends when you, Variyan, and you, Orcpunch, turn from one another. And walk. Away.


Pandaren! Which side you on?! join horde or be smashed! Graaaaaaarr!!!

I completely agree with you, but I think it’s important that the point has been brought that making the economy important introduces pay2win because of the WoW token. I think it’s important that it has been brought up by influencers who are so close to Blizzard. It means Blizzard will listen to what we all have to say on the matter, and therefore I want to have a discussion to feed into what is not doubt a hot topic among Blizzard CM’s right now, and I wanna give my own spin/opinion on it.

As usual, we share an opinion, but the ones who don’t have just as an important voice, and it’ll be up to Blizzard to decide what to do.

I just hope they won’t compromise the game economy again. I like BoE’s. I like the auction house. I like gold ( xD you know what I mean - I like the system). I this all of those things have a place in WoW and I really hate seeing it all undermined by pay2win.

I have no problems at all with Method farming the everliving hell out of items - or even having people do it for them as a sign of their social clout, which is massive. That’s fine. Getting real dollars involved… not happy about that.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.

There, that’s better, isn’t it?


Still no sight of any corrupted gear at the AH. The most expensive item is the same silly lvl 370 shoes I use for my transmog. Going for 2,9 million gold. If I had known… :woozy_face:

I need to get in on this racket. Brutosaur for shoes? Now that’s a great deal.


Yeah, I’m kinda into bones… occasionally. :wink:


I have seen you 3 somewhere before :wink:


I mean technically I’m parroting Zhu, but sure. Compare me to Chen. I’ll take it as a compliment lol.


I thought Zhu too, but the opening cinematic (that’s Chen? Huh, never realized) also kinda fits. Well done both of you.


Oh come now… Is it fair that certain race car drivers get sponsors? Is it fair that certain football clubs have a LOT more cash to spend than others?

This is the world we live in. :man_shrugging:

In motorsports you have a point. Then again I don’t like motorsports.

In football your sponsorships cannot make you better. There is no gear you can get from the sponsorship that gives you an edge in football.

Well, if they removed wow token it would still be p2w because you can just buy gold through non-legitimate means. It’s not really something that’s easily fixable.

Yeah but at least you risk getting banned for it. At least most will know it’s bad and shun people who do it if they find out.

Can you imagine if Method bought gold if it wasn’t allowed? Blizzard would find out as they are literally watching Method in real time and fixing the bugs they run into. The ban hammer would be swift and true.


Sure, but this is taking resources away from more important things. And it is really difficult to get rid of the gold selling business, they’re like roaches. They make enough money to just get a bunch of new accounts and start from the ground up in a couple of days. Blizz can’t keep up with them.

On top of that, it’s not that easy to just ban people who buy gold. You should have proof of transaction before you decide to ban someone, and since nobody is stupid enough to talk about stuff like that in-game, Blizz really doesn’t have any way to prove that someone is buying gold. Yeah, they can ban them anyways, but that is really bad PR if they start firing the ban shotgun in every direction catching innocents in the crossfire.

I put up a plain letter for a grotesque large sum at the ah because I noticed those letters really sold well, for some reason. And it sold! :grin: Figure it was a goldseller…


I think Taliesin is right.
The question is how the game reacts going forward.