WoW Wedding Outfit

You look great, might want to rethink the weapons though, unless we’re going for the Red Wedding :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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It’s a knife for eating at the Wedding feast!

The wooden clutch is a little cumbersome I admit…


If you want the full set there is an ensemble available in Deadmines. You need a Geen Parrot pet and then a quest will be available near the boat at the end. Wowhead will have the details…

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Ah! cheers for that. I thionk its a chest im missing . must have a look. thanks again :slight_smile:

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i would show up to the ceremony of etern- i mean wedding in a formal priest attire


Idk why, apart from plate and cloth, the other transmog types like mail and leather have very little good outfits.

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I tend to steal a lot of Shaman looks on my hunters xD

I would go for sure as a perfect Gilnean gentleman

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Now seriously talking and a bit off-topic, WoW transmog are really outdated right now, i did play another MMO for a while and even if i honestly dislike the game and wow is 100% more smoother, having the chance to Dye the transmog, not having transmog binded by class/race was amazing.


I would attend without any clothes :smirk:


Lets hope it’s a warm setting then!

I would most likely turn up with my Xavius shoulders on and swords drawn casting eyebeams all over the place.

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I’d come in the official Lightforged Heritage armor. Army of the Light wishes the happy couple many years of fortune! :sunny:

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