Wow51900127 Error

same here i just woke up and im met with this error the first thing that happen before coffe and snus, not good for my mood

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Same here

well they are aware of the situation anyway :slight_smile: is writen in the log in screen

Same here, Kent, England. Was playing earlier but now down and can’t get in!!

Same here WOW51900127 I live in Finland if that helps

Ok ok. Guys serious question. Am i really the only one atm who is not feeling shadowlands due to lack of content or a new patch anytime soon? like am i really weird? all i do atm is log in just to afk. Sometimes i might start a 20+ key then just stop it before it starts, because i feel so burnt out 0.0. Like i even go on classic to gank other players on my rogue because i feel that is more fun lol

Same county, same country here. I could not even get in when I have not been on there at all all day!

Hilariously, this won’t help anyone who can’t log in because they won’t be able to see the login screen. :smiley: Not sure why they tucked notices away into the character selection screen, they used to be on the login screen proper (the one where you put in your password if you aren’t using the bnet launcher).

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Punching a hole through my monitor made the error message disappear.


did notice one m+ grp lead dc after me and my guildie got invited
p.s someone else who notices some lag in spires of ascension
hc normal or m+?
rest of the dungeons i have no lag but spires has some

ur not the only one, but most the people in this thread just want to log in its all they live for.

Same here, West Midlands, UK

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It’s actually still included in that screen. Atleast at the moment.

Confirming the log-in error here, too.

Not for me. Ever since the bnet launcher came, my login screen’s stopped having that notice box on the left. Not that I really see the login screen much anyway, basically only when they’re having issues. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

yeah fail boat here
 no notifcations of possible issues, and the help send syou off to the American site, useful as a chocolate teapot


Not really what the thread is about, but yeah, I haven’t played “seriously” after first month / month and a half.

Shadowlands seemed good on paper, but it isn’t fun.

On topic tho, same, can’t log on.

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same for me here :frowning:

Hello darkness my old friend