Wow51900127 Error

Yup, getting the same issue too

this is what happends when you put children to fix your problems

Yeah, can’t log in either.
They need to spend some of their millions to feed the damn hamster.

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Same message, can’t log in. Pls Bobby save us with the big monies

ja det suger verkligen framförallt om man precis har vaknat som jag man mÄste ju fÄ sin fix liksom


Same here, Wow51900127 Error

Getting beyond a joke these days, its EVERY week there’s one login issue or another, Never has the game been this bad

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Same here :frowning: :worried:

They’re probably closing down for the weekend.

Bobby removing overtime pay for weekends/holidays to fund his 11th boat.

Same here, was playing normally a few minutes ago.

 same here. The one time I actually want to get on and level I cant


and still no blue reply, 200+ login attempts?

So stupid this happens so often

Have got 3 diffrent error codes now, 51900123, 51900127 and 51900128
 wan’t to play :frowning:

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I’m at the same point as you.
A few more codes and we get an achievement. I’m sooo excited!


Listening to Miley Cyrus’ live version of Midnight Sky while waiting. Damn, she’s good.

 still can’t log in. The hamster might be dead by now.

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Its been over an hour now. Be interesting to see if we get 24 hours added to our game time. Doubt it as I don’t think I can recall Blizz ever doing that. Despite nearly any other online game that gives refunded time, usually a full day.

For the activision/Blizzard apologists
I want 24 hrs refunded as my time, opportunity to play has been restricted. I pay for 24 hr access a day. If I cannot access, due to their hamster dying, I want that day back.


got 123 error for a couple hours now

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Activision is being Activision again

Og elles stÄr det bra til i Sveariket?

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I cannot log in as well :frowning: Friday evening best time to play and I cannot enter :frowning:


Seriously Blizzard, you suck!!!

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