So don’t play for the result only then.
I would argue that the experience of playing DF is much, much, much better than it was playing WotLK. For me anyway.
I mean; exploring the zones in wrath was fun and all, but when I hit max level in that expansion, I had almost nothing to do (as I had completely stopped raiding by then; I had ‘kind of’ stopped at the end of vanilla, but I did some raids in TBC if the guild really needed me to, but in Wrath I just didn’t want to anymore) and WoW was still pretty much a ‘raid or die’ game at that time. It’s why I quit the game during wrath.
Anyway… My point; don’t look at ‘gearing results’ only.
How can you even think like that? Fact that you’re almost BIS geared in WOTLK after 1 day and 17 hours proves absolutely nothing. You were either incredibly lucky with the drops + rolls, or it’s a current scenario where people in WOTLK just raid for fun, and every item from naxx25 / eoe 25 / os25 doesn’t get 10+ rolls on it because people already have the gear (phase 1 is live since september).
Yes, retail has some issues, but you’re overcomplicating it for no reason!
Tons and tons of people asked for proffesions to be reworked, because it’s been the same system since the game was released. If you’re serious about retail, you can craft your BIS ring and BIS weapon with proffesions. It takes quite some effort on the other hand, and at the end of the day, what’s wrong with that?
^This. I got roughly 4.2k GS on my toon in WOTLK classic in roughly 2 months of raiding NAXX/OS/EOE. Since then, I’m only logging in to kill both ZG bosses. No point in doing anything else, because at the end of the day, there isn’t really anything to do.
vanilla, tbc and wrath were more rewarding because the game still felt as a world instead of a hub for instances. People werent braindeadly focused on skipping literally everything to zerg trough m+ back then
and for me i spent roughly 4 hours after hitting 70 before i was pre-bis for arenas per character and then i did 1-2 hours of gold farming per week and capped my conquest and I was done didnt have to level professions or spend a week farming bgs. also feels great to not have to sit in a raid every week for 2 months farming bis gear for pvp every season
feel much more rewarded for my time spent here atm.
There´s loads of luck involved in Classic with low % drops. I am sorry but this is just wrong.
Lots of players will play large parts of Classic without ever seeing an item they want drop, but in the end that is okay, because it won´t matter because you had a good time with your buddies and the content was free of stress enough for it not to feel like you wasted your time.
What Classic does better is make the effort match the rewards. Which Retail completely fails at.
You do some awful miserable M+ dungeon and you get basically no loot (but a chance at a dumb vault weekly drop)
Or you do Heroic raid which somehow is harder than the comparative M+ rewards and get nothing (except, again a chance at some dumb boring vault drop).
There is a problem of ´entfremdung´ of the loot where you get your reward every week in a dumb vault instead of whilst doing the content. As well as an awful match between effort and reward. These are the issues with Retail loot.
Legion had some of the most crazy RnG when it comes to loot. Same goes for Classic WoW Vanilla which had Thunderfury, where you could play for two years and not get the loot. Both were some of the most popular iterations of WoW.
Just put some context on it. If you were not raiding back in wrath. It took 1 - 1.5 month to gwt 1 single tier item for badges and only if you were loging in wvery single day to do daily heroics + wintergrasp raid. So no wotlk definitly wasnt thia deterministic loot pinata what some of you thinknit was. You can get geared way faster on retail.
I’m just doing my keys with pugs, I did about 7 runs in total but didn’t play since then because I find M+ exhausting tbh, it’s too sweaty of a game mode and not something I enjoy more often than once/twice a week.
Rio can also update nearly instantly if you download the desktop app in addition to the addon.
Galaxy brain suggestion as expected. This may be a novel idea but people are capable of criticising one aspect of the game they like and comparing it to the previous version of the game that was infinitely better at that particular thing.
You raid and you’re rewarded for your time with a currency you can turn in for the highest ilvl items available for the tier (until ICC). You’re also rewarded with the same currency when running daily dungeons.
Nothing of the sort exists in retail, you’re pulling a slot machine all the time and doing comparatively much harder content than anything classic has to offer. More work = less rewards.
Very true and this massively impacts the feeling of being time gated and unrewarded. You’re getting indirectly rewarded from a nebulous box once a week on reset day, you get a dopamine hit, and it’s back to unrewarding grinds for the next 7 days.
This is a far cry from killing bosses and accumulating currency that provides agency in terms of what item you’ll get and when.
RNG sucks we all agree, right now i think the gearing systems has all the flaws, RNG, timegated and lack of repeatable content.
For me legion was best, delete the rng from legendaries and it was perfect. Titanforging wasn’t bad at all, take the bfa version, it’s PLEASANT rng, you not only get your desired item, you get it better than it was meant to be, just don’t let items titanforge to crazy levels to avoid people that had the arcanocrystal still as BiS in last tier or draught of souls tintaforged.
And the best part of it is that you had repeatable content with an incentive , even LFR felt rewarding, gold, chance on legendary, Artifact Power , vantus runes…
M+ which is the only repeatable content isn’t rewarding at all. End of dungeon rewards are completely sh*t, in terms of quantity and quality, and valor is capped so there is litte incentive to run dungeons daily. And the worst thing is that i think they made this decision just for the world first race, because in the past guilds spent more time gearing in M+ than raiding , valor cap for the first month and all this measures to avoid that the 0,1% of players faceroll the raid, but don’t punish more casual people.
Right now it’s all about the weekly cache, which is just one item, even if you work hard and have 6 slots you can only choose one and the big upgrade as weeks pass aren’t that big upgrades, because like me you have bloody bad luck and don’t get a slot neither in raid or m+ nor in the vault, so you have to pick a +3 ilvl upgrade sometimes with even not the ideal stats over something that could boost you instantly +20 ilvl
Agree about mythic plus… I stopped doing them after i got the title, the mount reward is really bad… a ground mount in an expansion all about dragon riding
Now you have to complete 18s or whatever to get max reward from vault… why? What was wrong with completing a 15? I don’t get it. I am a casual and don’t have time to do 18s and i find them too hard so i wont bother with them at all.
All my friends stopped playing except those who do PVP…
Really down about the game so far in DF and yeah Legion was the best… Classes have talents now, great but they just feel cobbled together from SL and unless you play evoker or resto druid for mythic plus healer you are not wanted or you have to struggle.
Sub runs out soon, taking a break until next patch maybe.
It’s sad that i feel they just want to have people involved for a month or 2, WoW is no longer a game to spam daily, more like a weekly chore to spend 5-6 hours aka raid logging and forget. That’s a different topic but in every single department i feel the subscription is no longer worth, less patchs than ever with fewer content .
The problem is that we all mostly pay at least 3 months upfront to get disappointed again.
TBF, if dragon flying is gonna stay forever in wow, ground mounts are gonna be way cooler, since you use then in dungeons/pvp. This particular one looks garbage compared to the time investment though