Ww monk is the most broken melee and needs massive nerfs

https ://imgur.com/a/onhoXmD

good duel buddy

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actually was never meet good sps :slight_smile: duel again here later bro ill show you

I just ate a 372.000 touch of death, how is this balanced?

The point is WW is definitely overtuned but SHADOW does very well into it as it has many answers for it + can and should play Bulwark + Sporecloak for a fat shield

The only way you can kill is if I disperse at sub 15% as you can touch through it

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need some food and coffee maybe ill not mess up my opener :wink:

It’s in his stream from yesterday. Can’t say where, since I’m not subbed to his stream. I think he’ll have another shuffle video coming up soon, might be in there. If it is, i’ll get back to you and link it.

Just make sure so its not during the time he were testing different builds from random ppl in chat etc xd
Some of those were actually really bad. I were watching when he got slapped by the WW, but that were more based on matchup and I believe him testing builds.

You’re right, but the builds he was switching to were builds he was playing before the last patch. I’m not argueing with Siwel about the fact that we have answers to every leg swep, it obviously depends on other factors aswell. But WW is just overtuned damage wise.

I don’t dispute that it is. All I did was respond to the guy saying ‘an SP will feel that way’ when SP is one of the best specs into WW

Ye, I should have worded my response better, apologies. WW still scares me though personally, as an spriest.

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you phrased it perfectly at another time
if you play bad you loose but if you play well, you got a high chance to win. VS ww that is
still bro this isnt over delete you here later

That was before they massively buffed WW defensives and when Karma wasn’t even a CD

yea but lets be honest that was needed…

It was. And for the sake of balancing purposes they should have also tuned down the damage

Monks need more passive survivability and small dmg nerfs tbh. Maybe also a slight increase of roll CD.

The number doesn’t mean anything tod is an execute it’s a guaranteed kill (overkill).

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i would agree on this if we nerf sub/mage dmg/escapes first

I was at 65%. The touch of death hit me for 372.000 and I was dead. How is this balanced?

You can’t tod above 15%.

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That’s not how it works. You can’t use ToD at 65%.

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