You have been disconnected. (WOW51900118)

Stuck on Retrieving realm list.
or Logging in Game…

They know

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can they stop firing every capable person in their company…


One hamster went to ff14. they have automated wheels and pauses there.


It’s definitely the realms which are the issue. I could log into BNet perfectly fine, it just can’t retrieve the realms list. Magtheridon EU, if it’s relevent, but it seems to be every server.


On the plus side, Classic is working.

yeah those are not coming back soon. i ll go off and wake up tomorrow with that flying content

No it is not :frowning:

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Hey Blizzard
Why are you even doing this when people are on the edge of trying something else like Asmongold?


Maybe they are preparing to just end the suffering and shut down quicker.


They are trying to run the authentication from a Raspberry PI, but it was a mistake. Now they upgrading to NUC.


This however perfectly sloves all balancing issues:

Every class and spec does the same dps right now.

Every class and spec has equal chance to win an arena or RBG game right now.

Every class and spec has equal chance to get their desired loot items right now.

You get the drill… equality at its finest as we all wanted it to be. Lets enjoy this exceptional situation.


And don’t forget, you cant complain about boring game.

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I even did “netsh winsock reset” voodoo and still stuck.

fresh lettuce aswell.

Obligatory post about B lizz ard tech support fixin’ their servers:

Damn it, I got Korthia to run on too many alts, let me in my hamster wheel already!!!

DO NOT COMPLAIN, it;s not like you pay for game monthly or something like that , also it’s not LIKE it’s pre reset day and people want to do CHOREGAST and redo legendaries because system is ruined.

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It works now.

Got on for 30 seconds then DCed and back to loop, fix your god damn servers.

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It’s getting me out of game after 30 secs i’m connecting . fix your damn servers please