You seriously need to add more aggressive catchup

are you opening mythic raids with 340 ilvl or smth? example please

But i agree in a way… in my opinion they should make the neck and back lvl catchup instant to the level of your main… that is what really drags the whole “alting” into the gutter

Do you know that it scales, right? And that it scales alongside your equipped iLvL untill it caps.

And that there are more sources of gear as weekly warfronts, benthic gear (THAT YOU CAN GET FROM WQ HELLO FORGET ABOUT CURRENCY), some of the new armor pieces that you can get in Uldum or the vale with your main, or the damn actionhouse where you can literally buy more than 340 iLvL for little amounts of gold.

And I may have forgotten about some sources or not counted some sources below 400 iLvL.

This game has become a lootfest, and you are asking for more, hoes be hoes man.

Sure, but it is not that hard compared to the ilvl reward (Just my opinion). But it feels unrewarding that the cloak is a key to make your gear not kill you, this corruption system has to go!


The single hardest quest in the whole chain is getting the invasion plans/Mogu scouting report in the vale.

That’s with zero gear starting from Nazjatar and only using what quests provide.

Those damm Mogu can take a while to drop it and there is only a few locations you won’t get pounced by another whilst fighting!

You can make this easier too if you get the lightning buff in vale.

They seem to have designed the whole War Campaign to be super easy and nigh on infallible.

I’ve got lots of alts. I’ve got so many 120s, I’ve deleted some to level others out of boredom. Most of my alts are 440+ with no effort. How?

Hit 120
Check WQs for gear drops, not high ilvl, but a boost
Do said WQs and emmisaries for gear / AP
Get cloak, huge ilvl boost
Fill CP bar through random BGs / Invasions / Help from friends
Check AH for cheap upgrade gear for me
Do heroics if can;t break 430
do M0 to break 440
do + keys if possible.

2 days ago my alliance DK was 421, today its 445. It doesn’t take much effort, and once you can get your own key to run, try to buid fromt here. Then you hit the issue of Raider . iO score.

Never hurt to find a partner for that or two, just to be on the safe side of things
Have few friends or a guildy greatly helps
But not necesarry, they are soloable even in ~400 gear, you just need to carefully dance around them and some avarage situational awarness, not to aggro a patrol or anything
Depending of the class, really
But as you said:

Both the War Campaign and cloak-chain, yes
Even the Wrathion part in Blackwing’s is like that

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It really is easy. Also I tried the whole chain with some friends recently, it’s great how seamless it all is for players to quest together.

Also doing the Mogu on a mage with very low hp it was just taking me a bit too long so you just look for players killing and “help”. :laughing:

I nearly got cape on all classes and many started that chain under 200ilvl (WoD gear) and only relied on rewards.

because of some nerve damage in my hand i have been soloing content all this expansion. I have not been in the dungeons at all and I have level 449 gear. not great but still. Even got a level 445 weapon from a drop, (cant remember where) and cloak is level 15 all solo. So check out the world quests, get those pesky pearls and do some graft.


Don’t know how you manage really.
Last night, I dinged 120 with my Vulpera DK. Can’t remember the exact time but it must have been around 5PM.

Anyway, by 8:30PM (including a pause for dinner) I logged out with an iLvL of 409.
Left side of the character is Benthic so 385 (and 1 400 because of the quest).
Right side, is 410 due to those account wide blue things.

Of course, I had crappy rings and trinkets (250 avg). So I did 4 WQ and got 3 blues that were 410 and 1 that is 395. Went to Naz and did the quest that gave me a 375 weapon.

Started the quest for the cape (not finished) and I got 445 bracers (assault), a 445 helm (luck with the Purple WQ in Uldum) and a 435 chest as reward of the quest in Pandaren.

Essentially, it took me less than 3 hours to go from 250 or so to 409.
Granted that this is one of many alts of course. On a new character with no alts, it would take a little longer: getting the full benthic set for example.

No reason to complain.


My eyesight isn’t too good and I’m probably misreading stuff here.

But why on earth do you want more aggressive ketchup ?

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Some people simply enjoy spicy food. Chili :hot_pepper: ketchup is just the thing for them.

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Ketchup mixed with Mayo and English Mustard wins all.

Ketchup with a lot of Tabasco sauce would be considered pretty aggressive though.

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We dont need more agressive catch up. We need lower powercreep.

Mayo + Sriracha is the only way to go, brother.

mayo with garlic powder, salt, pepper and a lil paprika powder. :heart_eyes:

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Well it’s not like it’s possible to make mayo any worse than it already is :nauseated_face:

Why r you crying here isnstead of trying to gear? Just get the gear lmao. Not that hard.

or rather give people the choice to play something that does not require a huge timegate or grind ?

like how is farming the same nightmare of SW or orgrimmar ever and ever again for a cloack that allow you to use completely broken piece of corrupted gear…

yay for versatility, class synergy and gameplay

so dont do it if its not fun for you

simple solutions are the best

emmisary does not equal world quest