You wake up and

Check my wardrobe to see its size.


I would get on my badass DK horse and kill a bunch of people.

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After checking my wardrobe i’d go to stop DK thats going around on his horse killing people.


Hmmm my house seems a lot bigger.


I’d go over to Blizz HQ and buff some people with intellect.


Cry as my marriage fell apart…

I don’t think my wife would want to remain married if I was turned into a woman :stuck_out_tongue:


I queue for island and run towards the alliance ship and hug Flynn Fairwind before i get bombed to death. then i get ressed by murloc spirit and leave with with deserter, head to orgrimmar and steal Sylvanas tamppons and burn them all.

then i go to new home and hide with Neri, c’est tout.

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Go out and get laid.

I just saved tens of thousands of bucks on aesthetic surgery to fix my face and I’m sure there’s someone out there who doesn’t mind the hooves.


Summon succubus and I let you guys imagine the rest.


Probably book an appointment to get some anger management counselling…

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I won’t lie, there is a small element of me that if I was not currently courting my current romantic interest, would use my devilish good looks to pull in nightclubs. It would be like being in my twenties again before I got all haggard and jaded and women started describing me as ‘Interesting’ looking, rather than ‘handsome’. I’d also vastly use the fact that I was suddenly an Ace Dragonhawk rider to relive my youth as a Trainee Pilot Officer, and would totally fly all over the place, just for the joy of it.

Feign Death seems like a good way to get out of boring corporate meetings, though now that I am self employed that basically just means ‘going for a nap’.

I’d say that being able to summon animals from thin air is cool, but it is only really useful if you are a stage magician in somewhere like Brighton pier. “Ta-Dah! I really -CAN- summon a rabbit out of a top hat”.

I mean Aspect of the Turtle would be good for those moments where you have done something whilst drunk or just foolhardy, and you have just enough time before consequences end up in a broken leg or some other vast physical trauma. I could have really done with Aspect of the Turtle over the last 30 and more years…

Ice Trap would be pretty good for chilling beers, and Fire trap good at Barbeques. I’d be an Australians Messiah! A Guy who can chill their Fosters, and Cook their Snaga’s on the Barbie.

I’d probably get some amazing TV series role, lets face it, I’d be a combination of Gerald Durrel, Steve Erwin, Bear Grylls and Ray Mears. “Yeah, I can teach you how to survive in the wilderness, I know all about animals, and if you tune in next week, I’ll stick my thumb up a crocodile’s jacksie and it won’t even bite me”

It would be pretty sweet, I guess. Until people realised that Blood Elves are totally ‘Uncanny Valley’…


Summon Sindragosa.

You sir, lack imagination. I would start an instagram account and wow the world with all my cutties. Every week a different feature animal. And after the photo session they would just disappear on their own, which is perfect. No mess to clean afterwards. I would be filthy rich :money_mouth_face:


depends. Do i also have a great tomb with servants while being vastly superior in terms of level and power to other characters of the world?

That’s basically overlord anime dude. And probably not even the first anime who thought of this story.


Change into a storm crow and fly around for hours

Get drunk and then see whether I really do delay damage taken.

I mean this guy has been smashed, nuked with fire, eaten, so I’d say I could probably get in a fight with a lion to test it safely.

I’d also test bouncy by jumping off a bridge. Jokes. Zen flight at last minute.

Lifegrip people into traffic.

Also levitate off my balcony when I need to go out so I don’t need to take the stairs.

Yeah the US forums is so much better than the EU one, I miss it. Especially, their Paladin section, I found out most of them share the same views I do on Ret.

Also, the very first I would do, would be probably fly, assuming I can do pretty much everything I want as a Cartoon character. If I’m limited to what my Paladin can do in-game, nothing much, I’m already bored when I log in the game.

You dare try to start controversy

I would probably collapse from the weight of these plates