You will no longer be able to delete mythic keystones

This is completely stupid. I need MORE motivation to play M+ not less. Deleting keystones was a nice way to get a higher level key when we’re pushing multiple keys. Why would you stop that? What’s so wrong about having more choice of keys? Too much fun? Yeah right cause people are lining up to play M+.


I don’t know if I missed something in the forums, but how was deleting keys ever an issue that needed to be changed? I really hope we get a blue to elaborate on this because I just don’t see why this change should’ve happened.

Do they expect people to do the keys they are given now because you can’t destroy them? Because I feel like the logical thing to happen is that they’ll be even less likely to do a M+ in the week if they get a terrible key to start it with.

I don’t usually call this, but this definitely seems like it falls under the “fun detected” meme.

Very odd indeed. I wonder if they will elaborate further on why this was even needed.

Maybe there is a change upcoming that we as players are unaware of or something.

Well this is not a QoL improvement. I’ve not read about that change yet but it’s disappointing to hear.


Do not go through with this. The change to being able to delete keys has saved my entire view for the better regarding Mythic+!

There can be NO good explanation for even considering this?!

Plz stahp

I want to believe there is a good reason behind this other than “We want you to play like this” :frowning:

So, does a keystone stay un-depleted if you don’t use it… or does it still self-destruct at the end of the week, as mine invariably did?

:rofl: no developer plays this game, they possibly can’t and enjoy what thier doing.

Do not @ me, literally of all the things they could fix, the very very few things we have control over they take away, oh wait no that sounds just about right.:man_facepalming:

It’s blizzard’s way of forcing super l33ts to play with casuals.
Deal with it.

I for one approve of this.

so you support leaver buster for m+ but not this, talk about a hypocrite. Are you prochoice or against i cant really tell.

Bro, bruh, broski.
what does me not wanting to do a certain dungeon and destroying my OWN key…and trying for another key one by doing a mythic…have anything to do with people purposefully messing up other peoples keys by leaving?

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I seriously think that only solution to this is find the person who proposed this and give him a slap :clap:.

Imagine you work on this game. You are swimming through the sea of piss and vomit the game is, you cant even get a coffee without the vending machine sending you death threats, whole community is against you.

Then the big boss walks in and asks everyone to give him the best idea how to improve the game.
You have one shot, one opportunity, you can seize everything you ever wanted in one moment.

You raise your hand.

And you tell your boss that people shouldnt be able to delete mythic keys…


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Well that’s put me off mythics. More forced content. You WILL do this totally horribly unfun dungeon, or sufffeeer!!!

Seriously, what are they on?


M+ is dead for majority of players. By now you should get used to the fact that since its release in Legion every single change and patch affecting it was made with the single purpose of stopping m+ from being a viable end game progression path.

From the nerf to amount of chests in Legion through nerfs of drop and titanforging ilvls all the way to the nerf of weekly chest rewards and removal of azerite gear drops in m+ (An idiotic decision that suddenly was made in June) - the m+ dungeons went from endlessly scaling ultra end game content that could reward you with legendaries and gear with ilvl as a good or better than Mythic gear to something that you do once a week for a chance of gear 5 ilvls lower than Mythic gear and a bit of currency for your next Azerite piece.

There is absolutely no reason to progress higher into m+. Not only it’s almost impossible without professional 5 man premade unless you’re willing to play 5 viable specs in m+ meta to get an invite from pugs but there is simply no reason to do so if you’re actually thinking about gearing up and advancing your character - all because of Blizzard’s idiotic double downing on Titanforging.
Don’t get me wrong, Titanforging could work, in fact it could be fixed very easily - All it would take to fix the game is to scale the chance and/or ilvl of received titanforged gear based on the content you’re doing - imagine how refreshing the game would become if let’s say completing a +15 dungeon would reward you with 2 or 3 times higher chance to receive a titanforged item than let’s say clearing a +10. But no, it’s an obviously rigged system which Blizzard decided to use to create fake gaming time by forcing you to endlessly grind for most optimal items and traits which, ironically, is biting them in the bottoms because most people realized that this rat race isn’t worth the effort and that due to gated events and drops majority of content becomes absolutely useless after you’ve done it for the first time every week.

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who on earth approved this was it the same guy that said don’t you have phones?

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I like Temple for some strange reason. I can totally see why people would hate it though.

I deleted my first key yesterday, to get a higher key. When I finally start deleting, they change it so I can’t do it again?

I would solely do it to gain higher keys. I’m extremely fed up with downgraded keys due to lack of mythic groups amongst friends(I don’t PuG). Hopefully they’ll stop making the keys downgrade if not used at some point. This has made me give up progressing in mythic+, and it’s made me give up my main for mythic+ because I can’t get access to content that makes healing feel somewhat challenging :confused: (I feel completely overgeared for pretty much everything I have access to healing, which is heroic Uldir and keystones below 10). Sigh. I want higher keystones, without having to run mythic+ every week/multiple times in a short period of time.

So you can’t bin/swap your +6 when your friend invites you to join their +10?

Well, I dunno why I care, I’ve thrown in the towel on M+ anyway. Think I’ll just hang out in Pandaria and get me one of those serpent mounts. At least that’s a reward and I can count on getting if I put the time in!

It seems there was an exploit with item restoration. So it worked something like this…

  • Open M+ Chest, get key, delete key
  • Run M+, get key, delete key
  • Run M+, get key, delete key
  • Run M+, get key, delete key
  • Use Item Restoration to get all 4 keys back

So instead of fixing the loophole with item restoration they decided to punish us all. I wasn’t even aware of that until today. Why they couldn’t just remove mythic keystones from the item restoration process, I don’t know.


This. They don’t restore most bugged quest items, like the recent example where they didn’t restore Vol’jin’s Urn when a player deleted it after completing that quest but wanted to get it back for some reason. They could easily do the same for mythic keystones as well.

Blizzard, fixing exploits by punishing the legitimate players.


Can’t wait until next week when they chop my hands off because people abused swords or something.

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