Your 3D accelerator card is not supported by World of Warcraft. Please install a 3D accelerator card with dual-TMU support

i have the same problem and i belive this is not about ur grafic cards at all . i mean yea mybe your graphic card be too low but it is not the reasson that you can not play anymore … there is already some other options for older devices which the game will decide to run through in case if the device is not supporting as default for any client ( retail Sod Classic ) dx12 which is dx11 and dx11legacy . in other versions of wow ( SOD and Retail ) this is not problem beacuse basicly when u launch the game it will detect that your device is old and will choose to run game through dx11 , that’s how it dose already work and players with older devices can still play , with some graphics in game limits but s till playble . but in last pre-relase updates for Classic version there is something wrong , missing or ignored which it should be fixed cuse i have seen many other peaple who have same issuse with even newer graphic cards :wink: what i would recommend you is explaining your case under my recent post here about same thing and hopefully they will fix it soon

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