Flowerpicker Clan or death!
Seems that Flowerpicker clan is winning
warsong because i’m part of them
Frostwolves, Drek’thar may multispec into a ret pally but he’s the best shaman currently leading the best clan.
In all seriousness though, reading about the clans in the books and being able to quest in their home region (even it was an alternative universe) was great. The Blackrock comes close as if I have to think of the prime example of an orc I’d probably picture a Blackrock in my head, but the Frostwolves and their calmer culture do win me over.
Bleeding Hollow of course!
I really like Blackrock, Shadowmoon and Bonechewer tbf.
Blackrock at the top probably closely followed by Shadowmoon are my favourites.
The Bleeding Hollow gets an honourable mention for how well it was fleshed out in WoD.
I’m partial to the Frostwolves for being the ones to resist the demon blood and their orc bloodlust murder trigger, striving to be more than living weapons and preserving the old ways of Draenor. WoD also played up their extended family ties and migrations, making them feel like a community and yes, a clan rather than a collection of warrior noble savage tropes.
In this they are what makes the orcs more than the villainous killing machines that they were in Warcraft 1 and 2.
Personally my favorite clans are:
And Burning Blade
Blackrock’s appearance is quite cool, they are master blacksmiths who are fiery and mighty warriors… they mostly use hammers which is cool, and quite badass, i love them… specially i like Orgrim Doomhammer
Frostwolves being the non savage orcs, but being hunters, and having a strong bond together, and spititual in their own way, also the frost wolf head shawls are awesome (which this char of mine ICly had one as you see) and also being more peaceful than others, rather than war hungry
Burning blade, i loved the blademasters since WC3, their voice, their model… they are pure honor, also strong and badass, walking in the wind, bringing flame… also sometimes old and bit elder master type… i love them
I’ve always loved the Blackrock Clan, and I dont know why.
When I was new player and knew absolutely nothing about lore, I loved them from the moment I saw them, same with the Dark Irons.
My favourite is the Frostwolf clan due to their incredible tenacity and survival skills, as well as their honourable nature. Close second is the Blackrock clan.
To help you decide on your favourite clan, here are some guides we’ve written on the forums so far
p.s. stay frosty my wolves
Really wanna delve into a dragonmaw clan using protodrakes, not gonna lie.
Thanks for linking then Tela
Blackrock. I always liked the Burning Steppes/Blackrock Mountain, and the way they reworked them into being a clan based around smithing/technology appeals to me. Also they look badass af.
Orgrim Doomhammer is the epitome of what it means to be an orc. He never drank the Blood of Mannoroth ( thanks Durotan! ) by tricking Blackhand, then even without its power he destroyed Blackhand in a 1v1, then he single handedly nearly beat the Alliance ( his strategy tricked every single bright mind in the Alliance ).
Instead of an empty win against the Humans, he chose to go after Gul’dan ( it’s made clear he could’ve taken Lordaeron in the novel, but he chooses to pursue the honorable path instead and deal with Gul’dan’s treason ), he destroyed Lothar in a 1v1 and even after years of capture he escaped the Undercity/Lordaeron and reunited with his loyalists.
Orgrim has it all: smarts, honor, combat prowess. He’s the perfect orc. And he’s not a Mary Sue, either, he has his flaws ( the pursuit of honor ) which is why he lost the war.
Durotan didn’t tell him, Orgrim didn’t think it looked right, and thus refused it.
So, more cred for Orgrim on that one. :3
I like the Laughing Skull clan the most. But the shattered hand is a close second.
Shattered Hand.
I think they have an interesting perspective on practicality, as well as an inspirational idea of ability vs disability.
Sort of a “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade” point of view, except much, much more extreme.
Also their idea of “why have a weapon or wield a weapon when you can BE the weapon”. It’s a very clear-cut view into their sheer determination and devotion to their mindset and value-systems.
Finally, I’ve always been drawn to building or playing rogue/assassin archetypes across most RPGs, and that’s what the Shattered Hand are all about!
Did he? Been a while. That makes him even smarter. And the way he got out of it by playing Blackhand was great.