Your favourite warcraft cinematic?

This edit of the two cinematics, from the Alliance and the Horde perspectives, that show the battle for broken shore, has to be probably my favourite!


There is just something about this one

How about this one?

Battle of Lordaeron but with infinity War music


When Arthas become The Lich King at the end cinematic of The Frozen Throne in Warcraft III.

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MOP opening cinematic for me

The Lords of War were great, I really enjoyed those. The art style and the story telling.

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Sometimes the hand of fate must be forced.

Illidan rejecting Xe’ra’s “gift” is great also.

The Wrath of the Lich King cinematic.

Arthas honestly felt like the soul of Warcraft to me - not the Horde and Alliance which, at this point, had become old and boring to me. On the reveal trailer, he says “Young heroes - I was once like you.”

When he died, the sense of adventure in the world died to me. I’m looking forward to Classic when I can spend time in a world where I know the Lich King still threatens Azeroth.

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The one where N’Zoth rises.

Im from the future.


All pandaria ones .

I have a soft spot for it because it’s promising adventure in truly foreign place, and that gorgeous music.

Also this one :

Becuase of Zekhan.

And from ingame cinematics this one from BfA:

This one made me quit the game. I’m still super salty over what devs did to Vol’Jin. What were they thinking? BfA main story was not worth it.

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careful with your mission.

you understand me :sob:

Well ye people even typed in comment section “Oh how cool Saurfang had cameo in zappyboy’s cinematic!” xD
You can tell people love him. And I can’t get over the fact to finally have a troll close up in cinematic and for him to have important role. <3

I still don’t think that he will have an important role. I mean even in his quotes he say that other Trolls call him a meme.

He had important role in cinematic, he was the one who made Saurfang change his mind bcause of his simple and powerful message. He was not intended to be a mem/joke character. Never. People memed his name because he was never given one, but that’s it.

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