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This is not the place for us to argue so i will be quick, the best players in the game think the same thing as i about it, and just because currently i’m not doing higher keys, doesn’t mean i never did before, my rio page is not hidden, you are only doing 1 lvl higher keys than i used to, on multiple characters. If you don’t think that the aoe cap is an issue in it’s current form, you should worry more about your own knowledge of the game.

Now calm down with your nonsense opinion gatekeeping.

Will the Allied Races and the Pandaren finally get the Death Knight-specific skins? Currently they are lacking the unique Death Knight customizations the other races have.

Here’s my main question.

Why is blizzard so much against implementing the exact same thing they did with pvp vendors for pve?

I mean why not just make a pve vendor you could choose and buy and upgrade? Why is it get it first then upgrade?

This isn’t Wotlk anymore. you have a chance to get a piece from the whole dungeon. not chance per boss. The RNG is so stacked against players that this just hurts to do. Why is the targeted gearing such a bad thing in your eyes?

  • what are the requirements to unlock flying?
  • is there a reason why Larion and Phalynx mounts cannot fly, considering the NPCs can?
  • how about Ol’ Blanchy?
  • what happened to the ‘asymmetrical’ shoulder transmog option we were promised?
  • when are we finally going to see further addition of character customization options?
  • when are we going to see the missing heritage sets for playable races?

Are we going to see more customization options in the Chains of Domination?


Do you have plans to open a FRESH TBC server that doesn’t allow transfers or boosts for a while?

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The press release mentions flying in “the covenants’ four zones”. Is Oribos excluded then? Why?

Can you just maybe put a massive invisible wall around it to prevent people from getting to the outer portals? I just wanna see it from outside and be able to get up a level on my own.

I have 3 main questions:

1- are there plans to make anima more easily obtainable? On my main i farm M+, raid and pvp and I still cannot buy upgrades or cosmetics that simply cost too much. The weekly souls intake is completely disproportionate to the anima one and I end up having 100+ souls with not enough anima to match it for the upgrades.

2- Are there plans to balance some class/specs? Some classes like shaman have been buffed when they were actually doing quite well while other specs have been left completely in teh dirt like prot warrior or BM hunter both of which are trash specs right now. Is a rework of Prot warrior specifically on the way? it would be nice to be able to play a spec during the whole expansion and not only in the last tier because “it scales better”.

3- Is there any plan to make PVE gearing more like PVP gearing? for m+ it could be a system where we earn points when completing a key and can buy an object from that dungeon at the end of it only if the key is completed in time.
Also, is it planned to make teh looting system in m+ more fair? on BFA we dropped 465 from a +15 which was slightly above heroic raid, now we get a 210 which is under any loot of heroic raid. The only way of gearing up is therefore waiting for a good drop in the vault (needless to say i’ve had bad luck for 4 weeks even though I had all 3 slots unlocked every time)
Targteted gearing is one of the best things that happened in pvp, can we make it happen in PVE as well?

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Will you hire more developers since it’s obvious you’re understaffed?

Is there a chance that during upcoming ‘‘refresh’’ of PvP talents some classes will receive even a new abilities/talents, or will it be some shy reworks like removing shadow resistance aura from paladin and replacing it by -1min. cd on master aura? Like, how big refreshment is gonna be? Do you have any example to demonstrate?

And has Kyrestia the Firstborne actually died? Like, her hands was still moving a bit after Anduin absorbed her soul (or was that just a KEY that he absorbed?) and took his blade out of her. Maybe he just took her ‘‘key’’ and she will live, but extra weak after that. If she’s dead, is there a chance that we’ll bring her back someday?

When will we see new customizing options for charakters and transmog?

There are bunch of races that felt left out. Like allied races in particular but also other who wish for more options for their races like

  • trolls with beard option
  • tauren with more face options
  • worgen with Accessoire options, optional tail, upright posture for male.

(Only to note a few examples)

Are there plans for more druid forms like a revamp of the old deer/stag model or new cat/bear/owl forms to collect as it was possible in Legion?
Plans on updating meanwhile old druid forms of night elf, worgen, troll, tauren?
Making them more unique for their race like kul tiran and zandalari troll models.
(E.g. Worgen catform should be more wolflike)

How are the further future plans with torghast? Are there more legendary stuff or other special items to grind and therefore have to go there? (Sadly right now torghast is not realy fun and feels like a necessary evil with what some have to bother with)


What can you do to address the eventual 80/20 Horde/Alliance distribution on servers or later 99/1 H/A ratios on PvP realms in TBC?

The answer to the interview (“no customisation planned for the time being”) was, frankly, upsetting after the promises made and for such a successful and old mmo. Have you even looked to the many, many, many suggestions the community made?


Why were customization options sold as a major content and now are thrown in the trash?


Any plans for extended customisation options for Allied Races like we got for the core races ?


When you say you actually listen to players feedback, can that perhaps include the EU too and the 99% rather than just a selective 1%.

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Will there be loot rewards added to Torghast like how it was in Horrific visions in Bfa?

How about making the class abilities tie to Shadownlands, now the Covenants are banding together? That gives more player agency, something that’s always being brought up.

So, am able to use Divine Toll while being a Night fae or Venthyr Paladin or use Decimating bolt while being a Night fae Warlock? The covenant ability is still tied to covenants but class ability is untied and this probably addresses the gap in class abilities. Players are then able to choose aesthetics and utility spells without having to compromise on power, just a thought

Where is Nathanos?
We killed him in the SL prepatch and when we finally entered the Shadowlands, I was expecting to see him again in the Maw or at least reunited with Sylvanas in a cinematic.
Is he coming back in a later patch?

Will it be possible to have alliance and horde characters on same PVP server on TBC ?