Your Mog and You

Thank you. I’m flattered! Mind you, I’ve roleplayed her for eight years now. She was a lot less fleshed out at the beginning.

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I generally respect an Illidari theme, as my character is a Demon Hunter who has never formally joined or fought for one of the factions. He wears Legion gear ( I favor the Nighthold sets ) that fits a Demon Hunter and proudly displays the llidari tabard as a sign of Neutrality.

Interesting to read all of these answers and get a glimpse into the thought process of how everyone else creates the looks of their beloved characters! I’ve always been very passionate about mogging and character design in general, so this is definitely a curious topic.

Finding the right kind of mog can be really challenging, but equally satisfying when you get the vibe just right. And what gives that right vibe? A lot of things and it’s not the same things for every character, but here’s a couple of things that I always take into consideration.

  • I avoid using sets and instead use as many unique pieces as possible to make for a unique look. This is not to say there’s anything wrong with using several pieces from the same set, but I feel that a set that was molded specifically for a specific character makes them feel so much more alive somehow.
  • The mog needs to feel right in terms of concept. Poor thief would not have the same mog as an alliance military officer. But equally… Sometimes mog can be intentionally misleading. Perhaps a good thief wouldn’t dress like a thief, but like a harmless innkeeper? :innocent:

  • I always aim for harmony within the set. The colours should work together, but it does not need to be perfect. In fact, I often like an item to stand out a little bit - Perhaps a strange weapon, a different colour scarf, unusual gloves… You name it.

  • And lastly something that I do not aim for with every mog, but I am extremely happy if I manage to find. Two or more unusual items that are never really seen in a combination, but that actually work perfect together shape- and colour wise and that together create a completely different looking item. I’ve managed to find some really nice combos and it never ceases to feel good to use such mogs!

I tend to mog for relaxation and sometimes you really end up far from the look that you were supposed to go for… And it can turn out really good! However, if the set doesn’t match the character I am playing, I simply save it for a future concept.

The main purpose of a mog is to repsent the character, whatever that means to you as the player. As long as that is checked, you can’t go wrong. :four_leaf_clover:


Orc Warrior: modelled after Cricket from Always Sunny, so has one eye missing and a mass of facial scar tissue to go with the tattered clothing, shovel and ratty blonde beard

Human Rogue: modelled after Mac from the same TV series, so sleevless black tee, crappy denims, and shades to give an ocular pat-down. Gets beat up a lot in PVP despite the hours spent looking like a badass. Has a bike too, though no pumping action included…

Everything is picked and worn to serve the Mask…


I am usually going for class/spec/faction/race representation, but I am making my own sets. Frost DK is going to represent Frost - dark blue armor with blue glowing stuff. I can try to represent the race or faction if possible. that Frost DK is Draenei and is using few pieces from WoD PVP set which has similar design to Foundry paladin set, which is inspired by Draenei. The rest is from other sets, but to be at least fitting to a point. At top of it there is Ebon Blade tabard, with this I have everything in the tmog. My other guild however have mandatory guild tabard for events and so I am trying to make sets which will look good with the tabard, again focusing on class first, then other things like race.

BONE! I knew I wanted my Warrior to be a bit of a Savage Berserker type, who enjoys the challenge of fighting large monsters and beasts. See it as sort of a Dark Souls -esque thing. Tiny you, fighting this big thing, if you mess up you´ll easily die. The bone armor is made from the things he has slain.

I agree! It’s something that I love: to read into people’s passions and realize what was their process when they created something - emotions, thoughts, rules, and so forth!


Personally I love something simple. I dont like all the shining crystals all around my character’s weapons or skulls of demons around the shoulders etc. I personally want something that tells me and others, without asking, what class I am but still it is simple enough to be like ‘‘everyday-clothing’’. And not walking around with my tier6 mage armor.

Of course, if my character holds the idea that they might not be traditional class, then the uniform might fool a little. My mage, Rotwand, was a mage but also a close quarters fighter and a thief. So I made his gear look very roguish, even though he was a mage.
And adding to that, character’s race also gives me a heading. I would take something that fits that race.


Its easy if you are a minotaur.

Find the best looking totem for a back item - and use the simplest armour you can find, shirt and pants rock, you dont need armour.

Pick best looking Kodo, walk slowly and greet everyone with “Hau, friend!”

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I really like some of the inputs in this thread, it gives a lot to think on and about.

As an artist, I tend to draw my character first, and make their transmog around that. Rhaethas was made that way, I wanted a more civilian character with casual clothing who would fit in working a Dalaran shop (The Solstice Bazaar).

Though, ontop of that, I do prefer to have multiple transmogs for different activities and weather conditions. Like warmer looking armour sets for going to Northrend, or more protective padding for if Rhaethas goes onto an expedition. It is nice to have the variety and helps prevent your character from seeming like they wear the same thing all of the time.


The background of Blondie’s character is simply said: a Forsaken refugee mostly influenced by the Western Horde, but still a nihilistic Undead through and through.

So I tried to find a mix between the barbarity of the Western Horde, and mix it with the grizzly look of the Forsaken. So eventually I came with the armour set I got now, mixed with bones, blood stains, old worn leather or dark metal.

It fits both factions, and it fits her profession as a mercenary, wearing both metal and leathers to keep herself light-weight.

I love the raptorhide shoulderpad the most because it gives some trailer park pazzazz fitting her chaotic character.


For IC outfits I usually go with “What would fit this character? What they would wear and what they could get realistically?”, balancing that also with “What items do I already have or which wouldn’t be a huge pain to farm?”. Most of the time I try not to use already existing tier sets - or at least combine them with alternative items.

As an example, this is Daerron’s “main” outfit ( - his art in it, in case the armoury doesn’t show the one needed), which I felt would fit him as a trader, alchemist & noble through marriage, but he also have a few other outfits, for example if he has to travel somewhere dangerous or attends a party or goes to colder places - or him/me wanting to switch the set for a change, but most of the time he would wear this one.
My other characters tend to have the same or similar approach - how many “alternative sets” they have depends also on how “picky” they are about what to wear.

For OOC sets (when I actually do it and not just leave whatever the gear looks like, unfortunately it is too expensive for me to change it every time I get a new piece of gear) I either do the same thing or, if I have some specific item I want to wear for at least a while, I might make a completely new set based around that thing - even if it isn’t what the character would wear normally.


I’m a sucker for both ideas.
A proper shiny mage can be cool now and then, but seeing only chandeliers kinda gives me an headache!

I agree, seeing other’s people thought-process when making different/the same choices in the same hobby is a little treat.

Yes but are you sorry about the tree now.

Likewise, I see it in the same way.

I have mixed feelings about this because to me, it is often the exact opposite: if it is a major character of mine, I want to flex him, both IC and OOC, with rare and exotic items.

Imho a main outfit is very helpful because it helps other players to bring your character to mind.

Also, ALCHEMIST?! I need to find one IC.


I get it! I usually don’t have a lot of time to farm very rare things specially, but I also play a long enough time to have a decent collection too! (and if I really want to use something, I’ll try to find time for it too)

You are always welcome to! The easiest way to meet Daerron would be at Solstice Bazaar, where he works as alchemist (and we will be in Dalaran next Tuesday), but if not, we could always find another time for our characters to meet!


“What am I trying to do and how is what I’m trying to do portrayed in game by existing entities? Be that statues or NPCs or whatever.”

“What can I reasonably add / remove without it becoming ridiculous?”

“How do I prevent it from becoming too main-character-y tiers of dumb?”

“Is there some social code that requires adjustments to it while in a city for whatever reason?”

And thus we have most of my thinking, with most of my toons. Still waiting for the Warblades from the trainers at Karabor though. The simple ones.

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As many others stated, the identity of the character comes first when deciding on clothing for me as well. Unfortunately the Armory is bugged so my poor Ynesa is naked like a baby… fun!

Personally I hate finding mogs just as hate naming the character, since I’m spending hours and hours on getting the “perfect” look that I’ll hate five seconds later :sob: However, creating her story helped me a lot. I don’t mind sets, she wears the blue NElf heritage given from the Amirdrassil quest line as it matches the white hood, and she wears this as a general attire whilst out to explore or do general stuff. It’s extremely light, covers most part of the limbs and shows where she belongs (by her lore she had it from her past but was recoloured after some events).

Her other attire is the LFR hunter set from Nighthold with the same hood, which is used on heavier occasions, aka: war, or when she needs to be protected completely despite it slowing her down a bit. Besides the hood and the cape, the other consistent part is the single shoulder pad on her right, never on both sides as it would block her vision from that side (holding a bow or anything would bring her left forward as she’s right handed).

Her weapon is still in progress due to RNG gods hating me.

Although it’s a pain in the bumcheeks to come up with ideas :rofl:

Recently on this character i have tried to make a Mog that either have moving or glowing parts over just matching colours.

Im pritty content with the current.

It activates my neurons

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