🤔 What would be each class' Zodiac sign in your opinion?

I made a meme about this for the forum dwellers’ Discord when I saw the same regurgitated mainstream topic for the 14th time by now (guess what it was?), but honestly…?

I’m really curious if there is (or could be) any sort of relation between Zodiac signs and classes. :thinking:

One thing is for sure, Priests are Virgo-es save for the ones spending too much free time in the Lion’s Pride Inn.

It is a silly topic but fit for a -gasps breath- Friday thread!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Gods, were all gods destined to die! The end is near!! REEEEEE

Doom will be upon us soon! Brace thy selves!

Take cover! … Oh look a cookie

Well hunters are OBVIOUSLY Sagittarius.
And only hunters matter. Topic done! :grimacing:

Zodiac Sign Class
Aries Warrior
Taurus Druid
Gemini Mage
Cancer Rogue
Leo Paladin
Virgo Priest
Libra Monk
Scorpio Demon Hunter
Sagittarius Hunter
Capricorn Death Knight
Aquarius Shaman
Pisces Warlock

I see what you did there. Clever


I am Aries and a warrior!

It fits :partying_face:


Speaking for paladins, we don’t believe in that stuff.

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That’s a little toxic.


Why are warlocks fish though? :joy:

Especially since that was the first thing that came to my mind as well when i saw the thread title. And we embrace it.


can resto druids be permanently exhausted pigeons please?

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It’s actually very hard to fit them all in to one each.

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Pisces cant be warlocks, it has to be Druid or shaman or priest.

dont ask me why

Druids claim them all, we shapeshift into them!

I agree to this on every levels including physical.

Make it exhausted kittens because well… catweaving :joy:

Very much agreed

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Why do you guys think Cancer :cancer: is rogue ?
I’m very curious about it ^^


It used to be OP aka Cancer in PvP :joy: