Error fatal inesperado

Desde hace unos días me está saliendo este error, no hay manera de evitarlo, he probado a formatear, he reinstalado mil veces los drivers, configuraciones distintas de gráficos, modo ventana, configurado el juego para que arranque con la tarjeta de alto rendimiento de nvidia. Nada de nada funciona, siempre me termina saliendo la pantallita del error.

A continuación os dejo el log del crash por si puede ayudar.

Gracias de antemano.

No me deja poner enlaces pero os lo copio aqui:

https:// i . imgur . com /hw7x2Dg.jpeg

GFX 18:00:24.765 ====================================================================================================
GFX 18:00:24.765 StarCraft II (B93333)
GFX 18:00:24.765
GFX 18:00:24.765 Executable C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Versions\Base93333\SC2_x64.exe
GFX 18:00:24.765 -sso=1 -Displaymode 0 -launch -uid s2
GFX 18:00:24.765 Parent Executable \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Support64\SC2Switcher_x64.exe
GFX 18:00:24.765 Grandparent Executable \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files (x86)\\
GFX 18:00:24.765 LocalTime 2025-01-21 18:00:24.766
GFX 18:00:24.765 Evil
GFX 18:00:24.765 DESKTOP
GFX 18:00:24.765 <Exe.Architecture> x86_64
GFX 18:00:24.765
GFX 18:00:24.765 B93333
GFX 18:00:24.765 branches/SC2.5.0.a
GFX 18:00:24.765 652568
GFX 18:00:24.765 <Locale.Assets> esES
GFX 18:00:24.765 <Locale.Data> esES
GFX 18:00:24.765 <Locale.Install> esES
GFX 18:00:24.765 ESP
GFX 18:00:24.765
GFX 18:00:24.765 ====================================================================================================
GFX 18:00:24.765 DXGI: Available
GFX 18:00:24.982 Resource Cache Override Variable: 0MB
GFX 18:00:24.982 Resource Cache: 2048MB Win64 (16292MB Physical, 13943MB Process Virtual)
GFX 18:00:24.982 Resource Cache Sound: 204MB
GFX 18:00:24.982 Resource Cache Common: 1843MB
GFX 18:00:24.982 Resource Cache VRam: 0MB
GFX 18:00:24.982 Adapter [0]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (VendorID 0x10de DeviceID 0x1b06)
GFX 18:00:24.982 Attempting CreateDevice on adapter [0] (VendorID 0x10de DeviceID 0x1b06)
GFX 18:00:25.070 CreateDevice succeeded
GFX 18:00:25.071 Using adapter [0]
GFX 18:00:25.072 Floating point render targets supported.
GFX 18:00:25.076 DXGI Adapter Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
GFX 18:00:25.076 VRAM Detected: Dedicated [11106MB] Shared [8146MB] (DXGI)
GFX 18:00:25.076 VRAM Override Variables: Dedicated [0MB] Shared [0MB]
GFX 18:00:25.076 Initialized D3D9 GraphicsDevice: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (Driver Version:, VRAM: 11106MB, SVMEM: 8146MB).
GFX 18:00:25.078 Hardware Depth Sampling: Available
GFX 18:00:25.078 VRAM texture space: 2048MB
GFX 18:00:26.235 PerfNotifiers initialized
GFX 18:00:26.404 Lost D3D9 device
GFX 18:00:26.406
GFX 18:00:26.406 D3D9 Device Reset from unknown returned e_errorKindGfx(0)
GFX 18:00:32.168 Lost D3D9 device
GFX 18:00:32.223
GFX 18:00:32.223 D3D9 Device Reset from unknown returned e_errorKindGfx(0)
GFX 18:01:05.659 PerfNotifier: [ResourceCache] [Evicted] Occurrences [1] Peak [59.625000]
GFX 18:01:31.454 Selected display mode 1680x1050x0 with format D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 and error delta 0
GFX 18:01:31.454 Lost D3D9 device
GFX 18:01:32.098
GFX 18:01:32.098 D3D9 Device Reset from unknown returned e_errorKindGfx(0)
GFX 18:01:32.110 Selected display mode 1680x1050x0 with format D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 and error delta 0
GFX 18:01:32.110 Lost D3D9 device
GFX 18:01:32.188
GFX 18:01:32.188 D3D9 Device Reset from ::GfxResetDevice returned e_errorKindGfx(0)
GFX 18:02:05.006 Lost D3D9 device
GFX 18:02:05.424
GFX 18:02:05.424 D3D9 Device Reset from unknown returned e_errorKindGfx(0)
GFX 18:02:05.424 Lost D3D9 device
GFX 18:02:05.497
GFX 18:02:05.497 D3D9 Device Reset from unknown returned e_errorKindGfx(0)
GFX 18:02:05.497 Lost D3D9 device
GFX 18:02:05.555
GFX 18:02:05.555 D3D9 Device Reset from ::GfxResetDevice returned e_errorKindGfx(0)