Pues quizás me equivoco al pensar de esa manera, pero si solo derrotamos a sus avatares deberían estar simplemente aletargados en sus prisiones, pero en una entrevista de esta Blizzcon…
Question: Can you confirm or deny whether the old gods are dead? We’ve got a lot of people who think that we’ve only fought manifestations, and their true forms lie dormant somewhere. Are we maybe going to see more of that?
Answering: Steve Danuser
Confirms that we've killed their forms, in the cases of Yogg'Saron and C'thun despite echoes of them still seeming to permeate the world.
"If you think about our cosmology and the way that creatures of magic work as opposed to mortals, mortals die they go to the Shadowlands. If you fought the Legion, you fought demons. If you kill them on Azeroth, where do they go? Back to the Twisting Nether, which is the place where they come from."
"So if you think about other magical creatures and think what happens when you kill them on Azeroth, where do they go? There's the potential for things like that to kind of happen. We try to have this cosmology of the way things work, and that's something that you can apply to other things. And I think the old gods are an interesting case where, you know, we've defeated one version of them and who knows if another manifestation will eventually take place."
Puede que puedan volver en un futuro, pero aquí afirman que SÍ los matamos, no tendría sentido hablar de su muerte si solo hemos destruido unos avatares, su cuerpo real seguiría vivo, aunque débil, y el año pasado…
Q: Third Chronicles have information about Old Gods. Every Old God, except N’Zoth, have been beaten, but not “killed”. It is true? Are Old Gods like C’Thun or Yogg-Saron still alive?
AA: I would say we should consider them dead. However as with all things in World of Warcraft and the Warcraft’s universe dead isn’t always dead. If there was a coming of forth of the Old Gods or herald of the Old Gods come down from the great dark-- I can see that easily happening. Not saying that happening, I’m just saying death isn’t the end of the line in World of Warcraft, and it really never has been. I think that’s kind of been from your character to the world around you.
En serio, si la propia Blizzard habla de que están muertos(aunque no descartan que no estén del todo muertos, ya que no han dicho como funciona la meurte para ellos), hay un comic( ya sé que considerar canon un cómic no es lo mejor, pero es un ejemplo) en el que Cho’gall intenta resucitar a C’thun, nunca hablan de avatar, de resucitar al propio C’thun.
Quizás estoy equivocado pero todo lo que dicen me lleva a pensar que par ahaber derrotado a simples avatares están bastante muertos.(Aún así en el siguiente parche vamos a matar a un Dios Antiguo en su forma verdadera así que no mejora las cosas en su favor). En serio, quizás me estoy dando con la cabeza en la pared, pero es lo que me están dando a entender.